Chapter 2 Ok...Whos my dad?!?

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Griphook's POV
As the duo was port-keyed in Gringotts the other goblins all stoped to see who had come in. We all were shocked to see that Harry was bleeding from a number of wounds all over his back while his sister was bleeding from the same amount of not more and from several other injuries. The man they assumed to be the one whom done this was brandishing a bloody belt. He had a furious expression on his purple face. 'Freaks! What. Did. You. Do? I was going to go easy on you but, I guess I get a fun time today, huh?' All Harry did was whimper in fear and attempt to get away from the obvious abuser. -Get the healers! And get him out of here!- I shouted in Gobbledygook . They quickly reacted to the order. I, on the other hand went to help Anna up. Her  back was shredded! Harry was slightly better than her. As I took them too be healed I contacted their magical guardians- Sirius Lupin-Black and Remus Lupin-Black, they both came as quickly as possible. After I explained everything to them they were shocked and unable to apparently function.
Your POV
I groan in pain. What happened? Oh right...We port keyed to Gringotts and somehow brought Vernon with us. He had given us a 'slap on the wrist' compared to some of the other...Punishments. Griphook notices that I am awake and rushes over to make sure I am alright. This in itself is odd, goblins almost never cared about wizards to this extent. After I answered his questions Harry had awoken from the sleeping trancelike thingie. I had suffered far more pain than he did- for the simple reason that I took most of his beatings. We (me my bro is way too submissive for his own good) had asked for a inheritance test and I volunteered to read it first.
Birth Certificate
Mother~Lucius Prince-Snape
Father~Severus Prince-Snape
Name~ Anna Prince-Snape
Loyalty-Keyed to Albus Dumbledore, Molly Weasley, Ronald Weasley, and Ginny Weasley
Hatred-Keyed to Malfoy family, Severus Snape,Lord Voldemort AKA Tom Marvlo Riddle
Love Potion-Keyed to Ronald Weasley— invalid if mate is found
Glamour-very heavy
Both forced and self-induced
Master of Death-99% Blocked, Keyed to Albus
Parsletounge-50% Blocked, Keyed to Albus
Dark Core
Magical Core Level-95% Blocked, above Merlin, Keyed to Albus
Peverll(donno if I spelled dat right)
Creature Inheritance
Master of Death~ Blocked
Forest Queen~ 40% Blocked
Dark Siren~75% Blocked
Fallen Angel~Broken Block.
Harry's was basically the same except that he was not a Master of Death like me. Instead he is a Master of Luck. That cracked me up. Both me and my brother have had the worst luck I have ever known. And for the 'soulmate' thing he gets...( wait for it)...Voldy-shorts!
Ok look I will get to the explanation in da next update comment ideas if h have some bye lil snakes! By the way - means it's in Gobbledygook and 526 words!

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