Chapter 3 Ok...Whats your name?

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Griphook's POV
'Ok now then Mr. Potter? Would you like to ask any questions first?' I ask much more politely than usual for the fact that his sister was the Master of Death- therefore she is the Queen of Darkness. So she is basically the 'Ruler' of all dark creatures, including  goblins and I would rather not die. Harry shook his head while his sister nodded at me. 'First, can you explain the whole Forest Lord and Master of Death thing to us?' Her tone is curious and yet impatient. I sigh and nod. 'Your brother has control of everything, plants or animals, in the light while you have control over everything dark. Say there are 2 unicorns, one light and one dark. Harry would be able to control the light unicorn while you get dark.' The twins look at each other and say in unison( anyone else have trouble saying that?!?)'Cool!'
Your POV
After all the explanations I, being me, ask, 'How we get dis all off?', with a raised eyebrow. Harry giggled. Griphook just groaned and motion for us to follow him while rising from his seat. 'All Glamours and Block-Breaking goblins to the ritual room!' In Gobblegook. 'What did he say sis?' Harry whispers to me. I then relay the information.
Time skip!ugh...
We had gotten rid of the blocks about 2 hours ago. I woke up first and am currently looking at my self. I grew to about 6ft, instead of 5.2ft- I HATE being short!(fun facts a. My actual height is 5.2 and b. My friend is to forever be that short!) my hair is now waist level and much softer and shinier! Yay! Griphook approached me hesitantly and asked if I wanted to get my parents over here and I replied back 'Yes!' Due to that squeal of mine Hadrian woke up cunfuzzled. As soon as he remembered he groaned.
Ok- I made up confuzzled cus why not so the reason for The Weasley thingie is cus it Forge and Gred are your mates! 3rd fave ship! There are 351 words!

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