Dally X Reader~Not Alone.

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TW: SELF HARM DESCRIBED!!!!!  She/Her Pronouns.
You have been warned!!!!!

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Y/N sits at the desk in her room. Fidgeting and looking at the old Scars on her wrist. Four Months. It's been four months since she's cut. She never understood exactly why she did it... Maybe because she thinks she deserves the pain, or maybe it's because it releases endorphins or whatever.  She's never found out... She never understood why she always wanted to do it. To go into the bathroom and hurt herself. She thought that once she fell in love it would be different. But it wasn't. Dally was a amazing, don't get this wrong, but he wouldn't understand. He really wouldn't.

She breaths in deeply and gets up. She walks into the bathroom and opens her secret cubby in the back of her closet. She pulls out the old Wedding ring box that she keeps her Old Favorite Blade in.  She sits on the edge of the bathtub and opens the box, slowly pulling out the razor.

She breaths shakily and puts the box to the side, grabbing onto the razor tightly, She runs it across her wrist slightly. Watching the skin slightly cut. She goes farther up her arm and leaves more Cuts, getting deeper as she goes on. She has tears staining her cheeks now as she stares down at the blood pooling on her wrists.

"Why do I do this..." She whispers getting up to go to the sink, she turns on the cold water and puts her wrist under it. She winces as her wrist gets colder. She decides that she should go to bed early, knowing that it'll heal better in sleep. She puts on her pajama pants, and she goes to put her boyfriends hoodie on. She lays down in bed and falls alseep quickly.

Dally gets home and the first thing he realizes, is that it's quiet. He goes upstairs and walks in the bathroom conjoined to their room. He relieves himself, and he looks in the mirror, washing his face. He looks over and sees blood... He runs into their room and sees His girlfriend sleeping peacefully. He goes back in the bathroom and looks at the blood more thoroughly. He sees a razor sitting next to it in the closet. He gasps and he looks over into Y/N and his room, and he starts to tear up. He grabs the Razor, and cleans it off, being careful to not cut himself. He walks into the bedroom after doing this, Razor in hand, he puts it on his nightstand, and he turns on the lamp, they haven't had sex yet, so thats why Dally didn't know sooner.

"Hey, Babe. Wake up" He says softly nudging Y/N. Y/N wakes up and groans looking up at Dally. She smiles slightly and sits up on the bed. He looks over at Dally and sees that he's not smiling... But instead frowning.

"Dally what wro-" She starts to say just for Dally to pick up the Razor and shoe it to her. She stiffens and tears come to her eyes.

"I... I'm sorry. Dally I'm sorry please don't be mad!" She says putting her head down. Dally is surprised, like really surprised.

"I'd never be mad at you for this Doll... Just... Let me see" He says grabbing her arm softly, Y/N doesn't stop him as he pulls back her sleeve. He gasps when he sees the red lines, and dried blood. He audibly swallows and looks at Y/N.

"Look... I'm not mad at you... I... I need you to know that you aren't alone.." Dally gets up and takes off his jeans. Leaving Y/N to be confused the whole time. He takes them completely off and oves part of his boxers.. there Y/N sees white, red, and purple scars trailing across his thigh. Small ones, long ones, a lot of them.

Y/N gasps and Dally lays down next to her grabbing Y/N's hand and kissing it.

"I love you Y/N... You aren't alone in this. I still get urges too. But I've learned that it doesn't help much in the end... I haven't relapsed in a year." He says smiling at Y/N. He kisses her softly in the lips and they lay down. She Falls asleep head don Dally chest as she listens to the heartbeat that could be gone right now. She finds her hand tracing over His scars on his thigh and he sighs in relaxation.

Yeah, Y/N isn't alone. She knows that Now.

By the Horrible Writer,
Ian 🖤
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Oof. This isn't that good, and I don't know how to Write Reader Inagines the right way.. so I wrote it this way... I hope it was good! I told you that there are very triggering topics. If you don't like it, again leave :)

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