~part 4~

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moonbin's POV

'passengers of ____ airline please stay in your seat as we are going to land. thank you' (a/n: i havent ridden a plane so idk what they say lol)

'we're almost here.' i shake eunwoo gently. he fell asleep by accident. he didnt want to because he would want to take pictures. he failed though.

'hmm..?' eunwoo still looking fresh even though he just woke up. i took a peek at the other members. theyre getting ready to get off. i held eunwoo's soft hand. 'we're officially here' i said. 'y-yeah..' eunwoo blushed. eventually, i had to let my hand go.

we arrived at the terminal, trying to find somewhere to eat. boy, we were hungry. 'hyung! theres food over there!' sanha pointed at what looked like a canteen. 'aish i wish we could go there but we have to go to the hotel first. we can go to a mall thats nearby.' mj pointed out. 'hyuuuung!! please! im hungryyyy!' sanha did his puppy eyes. 'eugh. fine.' mj looked around.

there was one stall called potato corner. its has fries. 'uh.. uh.. h-hi! can i uh get uh...' sanha struggled to speak in english. eunwoo butted in and said 'one of that large uh thing' he pointed at a big bucket of fries. 'what flavor?' the vendor asked. 'what kind are there..?' eunwoo internally cringing because of his grammar. 'barbeque, sour cream and cheese.' the vendor replied. 'we'll take barbeque.' eunwoo said. 'sir, you can also choose between two flavors or one. you can pick another one if you'd like.' the vendor sounded like she spoke fluent english. 'two uh flavors please. one cheese and uh one barbeque' eunwoo finally decided because sanha really wanted the cheese flavor. the vendor gave it to us and we paid for it.

we were walking around to see whats more, but we went into the van (that the staff rented) and ate the rest of the fries there. we arrived at the hotel, the hotel looked huge to be honest. i think this is a luxury hotel. of course eunwoo would want us to be in a hotel where we would enjoy.

we decided to make 2 people stay at one hotel room so, me and eunwoo, mj and rocky and then sanha and jinjin. we unlocked the hotel door and holy shit- its huge! theres even a couch, a tv, a big ass bed! though i though we would have seperate beds. i didnt complain though. it would be nice to be sleeping next to eunwoo and maybe hug him- shut up brain. dont do this to me right now.

eunwoo immediately jumped to our bed. 'sooo comfyyyy!! moonbin-ah, lay here.' he patted the mattress. i laid there. it was really comfy. 'i just wanna sleep nowwww!' he whined. 'but we have to explore! this is why we're on vacation, isnt it?' i told him. 'ughh lets just rest for a min! im so tireddd!'

it wasnt a minute. in fact, i fell asleep too, it wasnt until morning that i realized that the staff and the members were calling our phones. i felt an arm around my chest. i scratched my eye with one hand, looked down to see eunwoo cuddled up to me. my arm was around him too. i was shocked. what happened? why are we in this position? i checked to see if i have clothes on. thank god i do.

i gently woke eunwoo up. he looks tired too. 'what...?' he smacks his lips. 'its morning. we slept through the whole day.' i told him, our arms still around eachother. 'really?' he asked. 'yep.' i simply said.

'im gonna shower now,okay?' eunwoo said, standing up. 'sure.'



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