~part 12~

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quickly calling the emergency hotline and the other members, i tried to wake eunwoo hyung up.


"please dont lose me... please?"

"i ddint mean what i said! i love you! i love you as you! i love you as lee dongmin! please wake up!"

tears rolled down my face.

"hyung... please..! i really do love you..."

i couldnt breathe.

i heard knocks, and soon heard my members. "in the bathroom.." i managed to kind of scream out.

"... fuck!" jinjin-hyung shouted. everyone was crying. the ambulance came, everyone was freaking out. we all hopped on the cab, and went to the hospital.

we all sat down. i was crying so much. the doctor came to us.
"what are you guys to cha eunwoo?"
"we are his uh, co-members... we are in the group astro..." jinjin said
"ah okay. well, cha eunwoo is breathing fine.. but we investigated and saw that he overdosed on pills after he threw up. he was all dizzy and took too many pills. we almost lost him, but thank god you called on time. i have to go quickly now. ill call you guys when you can visit him"

we all sighed in relief, thank god hyung was alright. we had to spend the whole day in the waiting room. while we were waiting, i saw sanha crying to rocky. i eavesdropped.

"h-hyung.." sanha cries
"i think bin-hyung doesnt understand that eunwoo-hyung loves him... very much..."
"i-i just want them to be happy, and to hear that eunwoo-hyung overdosed? my heart dropped..." i started crying. is that what he really felt? did my mouth say something stupid?

"its okay, sanha..." i heard rocky comfort him.

i bit my lip as tears continued to fall from my face. i was too stupid and naive to see his feelings. i was too busy minding my own. i wanted to protect him, but i did the opposite.

i broke him.

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