~part 14~

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eunwoo's POV

i heard the members talking about me.

"eunwoo-yah. please wake up. i'm sorry i said those things.. just wake up please?" jinjin-hyung says, tears falling down. i felt sorry for him.

"yah, cha eunwoo!" mj starts to smile. "you better wake up! or i'll tickle you until you cant breathe!" i was trying so hard not to smile.

"eunwoo-hyung." rocky says
"i wont teach you how to dance if you wont wake up! WAKE UP!"

"yah!! eunwoo-hyung!!"
"im sorry for being bratty... JUST WAKE UP, OKAY?" sanha says.

then it was binnie's turn.

it sounded like, he really was sorry and i couldnt help it.

i woke up.

"its okay, binnie"

he hugged me and i wiped the tears off his face. god, he looked so good.

"d-dont scare me like this... please?" bin says, teary eyed.

"i'm sorry, okay?"
"its okay hyung.."
"this isnt really the best time but, i like you too."
"i like you too, dumbass."

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