{Percy}•{6}•{Sons of Poseidon}

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 "I fought through literal hell for you, I thought we meant something, something that would eventually blossom into me spending my entire life with you!" Percy shrieked

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"I fought through literal hell for you, I thought we meant something, something that would eventually blossom into me spending my entire life with you!" Percy shrieked.

Annabeth shuffled her feet and avoided eye contact with Percy.

Gilligan chuckled and looked down at Percy, "I heard tales of the great Percy Jackson, seems all you are is a pathetic, nostalgic idiot."

Percy couldn't believe his eyes and his ears, "What fucking tales, you prick? I've been gone no less than a week and this is how you welcome me back. I drank the blood of monsters and ate them, some alive, some dead. All for you."

Annabeth tried to speak up, "No less than t-two days? Percy, it's been six years!"

"I won't fall for your lies anymore, I won't! I love you, Percy. I want to go to university with you, Percy. I won't ever leave you, Percy. All lies, not too surprised when they're coming from a dirty, pathetic whore like you."

Gilligan cocked his fist back and jabbed Percy in the face. "Don't speak to your.... I mean, my girl; like that." He smiled.

Percy felt his blood getting hotter. "Annabeth, come on, let's go."

Annabeth didn't budge from Gilligan's side.

"Annabeth, come here now."

"Percy, I'm sorry, we're not together anymore, I thought you died and I moved... on. Don't get me wrong; I'm happy to see you, and I still love you... as a friend."

Gilligan kept that stupid, smug smirk on his face. "Let's finish what this pathetic no life interrupted."

Annabeth nodded and blushed, she put her face in her hands to hide herself from Percy.

The crowd dispersed, some people laughing at Percy, and some murmuring about how the great Percy Jackson was no more. No one was by his side. He sat there, in front of his cabin. He traced the letters: G i l l i g a n W h i t a k e r

Not even ten minutes later, he heard his bed creaking, he heard his girlfriend moaning, crying, begging for Gilligan to go deeper, go harder, and and asking if that's all he had.

Percy barged in, expecting to see Gilligan abusing Annabeth, but no.

Annabeth was up against Percy's nightstand, Gilligan behind her, thrusting.

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill! His mind screamed at him, Percy flicked his wrist and spread his hands. Every water source in the camp rose up. Chiron, who had walked away with the rest of the crowd, came out from the Big House, with Cedros, Annabeth and Gilligan's son.

Percy waved his hand towards the boy and Chiron, while one wave of the water crashed down onto the cabin, a stream of water that shot out so fast you barely see it blasted a hole into the Big House, the structure around the hole collapsed, Cedros was conveniently underneath.

Percy felt resistance against the water, when he ordered it to do what he wanted, it pulled against him, and a giant tidal wave crashed into him. A pillar of water held up the debris that was about to crush Cedros.

Gilligan came out of his cabin with nothing but boxers on, "She was just about to cum, too. Guess I have to kick your ass a second time." Annabeth watched from the doorway, covering herself with a towel.

Percy rushed Cedros, pulling Anakslusmos out of his pocket, water jetted from behind him and hit him in the hand, the pressure hurt, but he didn't care, it only gave him more power.

He used the water to boost himself into the air and catch Riptide as it turned into a sword, he slashed through Chiron's hand, and beheaded Cedros in front of Gilligan.

A tidal wave of water crashed into Percy and Gilligan screamed, but it was too late.

Percy had won the battle, but not the war.

He grabbed the head of the boy and ran, he could feel the mist and breeze hitting his back as he ran away, Gilligan screaming wildly behind and Annabeth crying, weeping and wailing.

"For someone so strong, you sure are slow and idiotic!" Percy chuckled and ran faster, out of Camp Half-Blood, he heard the sirens whir and the speaker come on, "Calling all campers, get your weaponry together and your special gear, we have a son of Poseidon to catch and skin alive." Chiron said over the speakers, with more hatred in his voice then Percy had ever heard before.

As he got further, the sound got quieter, but he did hear one last thing as he ran away, the blood still dripping from the freshly cut head. A metallic dragon's roar, and suddenly, there was this intense heat coming from behind him.

He looked down, and dead animals and skeletons rose from the ground, grasping at his feet. Thunder crackled in the sky, and a lighting strike hit where he was moments before.

Perseus Jackson, son of the aquatic deity, Poseidon, was being hunted by his own friends.

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