{Percy}•{9}•{Back to Tartarus}

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The ground shook and cracked. A wormhole shaping on the shores of Montauk beach. The water began sucking itself in only to evaporate.

Percy looked back at where he had been staying for the past year, and then turned his gaze back towards the wormhole. He took a few steps back for momentum and then ran and leaped into the wormhole. As he looked up, the wormhole closed above him, and the windiness and chilliness of the ocean air turning to boiling hot temperatures.

Percy had done it. He was back in Tartarus. But this time, he had all the control. He chuckled and closed his eyes. He fell for quite a while before he woke back up again. He was surrounded by monsters. He slashed through them all and with one blow, they fell to the floor and began screeching, only to be silenced by having turned to dust.

Percy ran past crowds of monsters, killing them all with one blow. He was looking for the being that started it all. Chaos. Poseidon had trained him and he was stronger than ever now. No one could possibly beat him. He looked at his hand that had once been cut off by his friend. Someone who used to be his friend. He didn't want to pretend like it all didn't hurt.

It did, it stung. It was all so unbearable. Sometimes he just wanted to lay down and cry about it all. Life fucking sucked.

He ran and ran, running faster to wash away the pain. He came across the edge of a cliff, he was running so fast he could barely make out the edge, he stopped himself and slid until the edge, almost losing his footing and falling in. "That just ruined my badass entrance."

Everything became dark all around him. A dark red and starry black form danced across the abyss. The sounds of Tartarus being drowned by heavy static and sounds of liquid sloshing. "I want your power. I need more power."

The blob didn't answer.

"Fucking coward."

The blob continued to dance across the abyss.

"I know I'll die if I try to fight you. And I know it isn't possible. You are after all the creator of everything around me right now. I want to fight the three strongest demigods in all of history. Starting with my namesake first, Perseus. Then Hercules, then Achilles. All at the same time, or one on one. I can take it."

The blob formed into the shape of  a man, still dotted with stars against a crimson-onyx gradient. Percy's ears almost exploded when he spoke. "I challenge you, Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon and Sally Jackson, to fight them all at once."
Percy chuckled. "Easy enough."
Chaos raised his voice, which hurt Percy's ears like hell, or in this case, Tartarus. "I was not done speaking, you fool! Prove yourself worthy and fight them 100 times over, than I shall grant you what you ask of me and you will have earned my respect, boy."
Percy's face quickly changed from smug to slightly worried.
"Starting now."
Three men materialized and began sprinting full speed at Percy.

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