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4. Adventures outside of school pt.2

"Hahhh? who are you?" The blonde haired girl is stunned, she's the first to speak, with such a question. Maybe she feels threatened by you cause you were also a girl? Shes obviously dressed up for today, no girl dresses in a short dress and heels for nothing unless they want something.

Fuck, is she prettier than me? She fiddles with her hair, a nervous habit which she's picked up from the years of people telling her she's worthless and ugly, No she can't be, look at her dumbass face, she's so fat.

While the guys were all quiet but you felt their gazes on your legs. Horn dogs. You were wearing a hoodie with comfy shorts, which did uncomfortably show a lot of leg off but the weather was too warm, so who could judge you?

Them, apparently.

You start to regret every fashion choice you've made in the past 5 years.

The guys recover from the silence and the skinny one speaks up,

"You're Y/n right? The new transfer?" You nod back, cause, he's correct.

"Wait, so your the bitch that left Daniel hanging?"

"Wait did she? hahaah"

You ignore him calling you bitch and them laughing at you, you just wanted to get away as soon as possible-and maybe have the two smaller dudes with you as well.

"So, who the fuck are you to tell us what to do?"

You squeak, not expecting his reaction to be so severe after just laughing around with his friends. Oh well, if he wanted those two dudes to fight each other for some type of sick enjoyment, you're sure he would be able do this.

Before your able to get an answer out, he speaks again in a cheerful voice,

"Oh well, you're cute so I'll let you slide."

Did he just wink at you?

"So I'll let you and them all go on one condition- go on a date with me?"

His friends all make a lot of ohhh and stupid comments while the girl looks incredibly angry. She's jealous you conclude, but there's no need to be jealous in this situation, who on earth would want to date you? Who one earth would want to date him?


"No. Please leave us all alone, G-hole included"

They laugh at your use of G-hole, which was inevitable as you didn't know what his name really is. The skinny boy (you presume the leader) steps up closer to you.

"Ahh, no need to be mean Y/n. So, whatcha say?"

You were tired, tired of his pompous attitude, tired of being awake at this time of day, tired of having to move from your happy childhood home when there was no actual need, tired of having to deal with the boy in front of you.

You'll have deal with him though, even if you don't want to.

"please leave before I call the cops on you for harassment."

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