Chapter one

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Josh was never happy staying in one place, he needed adventure and wonder to feel truly at peace within himself. The overwhelming urge to experience life, see the world, hear stories from those he has yet to meet was consuming him.

This is the night he decided to leave.

Jake was never a heavy sleeper, so Josh didn't have any trouble waking him up despite it being almost midnight. The trouble was convincing his brother to go on this adventure with him.

"Josh, we can't just pack up our things and leave, we're barely even adults." Jake was always the more logical one, Josh on the other hand was the opposite.

"Legally we're adults, Jakey," he said with that dumb smile on his face, "So technically we can do whatever we want."

"Technically we can't," Jake pushed him off of his bed and buried his face back in his warm blanket, "Now let me sleep."

After another 20 minutes of being annoyed, Jake finally agreed. This is how things usually went, Josh having some wild fantasy and Jake eventually going along with it.

"Alright start packing! We're leaving in ten minutes!" Josh announced, Jake immediately shushed him in fear of waking their parents. But he couldn't help but laugh, if he didn't have Josh as a pain in the ass of a twin brother, his life would be a lot less interesting.

After the brothers threw some clothes and shoes into a suitcase and packed up their guitars, they were ready to hit the road. Josh had already informed their best friend Danny and their other brother, Sam, about the road trip and they were immediately down and agreed to meet at the Kiszka's house.

Sammy and Danny arrived with a small duffel bag of necessities each, much less than Josh and Jake, which Jake pointed out.

"Well you didn't even tell us where we're going," He said as he threw the bag into the back of the boys's van, "I only packed the essentials. Ya know, boxers, jeans, Iris." Just then a small kitten popped its fuzzy head out of the bag at the sound of her name. Sammy took her out of the duffel bag and gently held her, he had a soft spot for animals.

"Really?" Jake rolled his eyes.

"No time to waste!" Josh said as he started the engine, "We have an adventure waiting."

The soft singing of John Denver filled the van of sleeping boys as it traveled down the dirt road. Danny had taken up the responsibility of driving so Josh could get some rest, who was snoring loudly in the back. The red glow of the clock radio read 2:34 am, they had been diving for a good two hours, but the drive wasn't bad. Danny assumed there must have been a large rock in the road because the van sputtered and shook violently, but he didn't think much of it considering how old the vehicle was. He gripped the wheel so tightly his knuckles turned white so he could get better control of the van, it seemed to have a mind of it's own. He cursed to himself as the car came to a complete stop.

"What's going on?" Sammy mumbled, mostly asleep.

"The car broke down, Jake get up," Danny shook his shoulder to wake him, "let's see what's wrong."

They got out of the car and used their phone flashlight to inspect the van. Nothing seemed wrong, until they realized they were out of gas and there wasn't a gas station around here for miles.

"Fuck." Sammy said. It was in the middle of the night and they were in the middle of nowhere. They were completely stranded.

"Alright," Josh hopped out of the van, "Let's just sleep until morning and decide what to do then."
They all agreed. Sam and Josh laid on the floor of the van and Jake and Danny slept in the front seats.

The moon illuminated the forest around them and the crickets sang them to sleep.

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