Chapter 4

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The music is you

The hum of her tires on the asphalt and the sweet songs of John Denver filled the truck with a feeling of peace. They didn't speak for awhile but neither of them minded, the silence was comfortable.

"I've always loved him." May said, trying to start a conversation. Josh was pulled from his musical trance.

"Yeah, me too." It was quiet again, except this time was less comfortable, it felt as if there was more to be said yet neither of them knew what it was.

"So," Josh began, "I don't know anything about you yet I'm going to be living with you for quite some time, how is that?"

"Probably because we've never known each other." May said bluntly, keeping her eyes on the road, but Josh's eyes were right on her.

"Well, I'd like to change that."

May glanced over quickly to see Josh smiling at her, she tried to suppress a grin.

"I do know something about you." 

"And what's that?" Jake asked.

"You have a good taste in music." May smirked, but Josh was too busy watching the world blur past him to notice.

"Yours isn't too bad yourself."

"I got it all from my dad," she was happy to talk about her father, he made her face light up, "I didn't used to listen to good stuff. I was obsessed with top 40s radio up until about two years ago." 

Josh pointed out that popular music isn't bad, although he did secretly feel a sense of pride in his love for meaningful lyrics and unique melodies. "What made you change?" He asked.

She grew quiet and her smiled faded, she pretended not to hear him as the truck slowed to a stop. Josh's van sat in the ditch just outside of the city limits.

"There she is, Ole Willy." Josh said in his famous southern accent.

May laughed and cheered up again, "you named your car, 'Ole Willy'?"

"Yeah! It's fitting, don't ya think?"

That made May crack up, Josh liked that, the feeling of making her laugh. He watched the freckles on her cheeks dance.

              ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The day had slowly turned to night, the crickets were out and the moon was full. The boys spent their day unpacking and introducing themselves to their house mates. Most of them were old couples looking for a get away, but there was one family who were on summer vacation. One member in particular was a  girl named Lilla, she grew attached to Sammy the moment she saw Iris resting in his lap. The boys were hanging out in the living room when they heard the infamous screech of a pre teen, at first they assumed it was a fan from Michigan, but she wasn't excited to see them, she was excited to see the kitten.

"I love cats!" She sang as she ran up to Sammy, she gasped at her own rudeness and apologized for interrupting them, "Can I hold him?"

Sammy chuckled and gently placed Iris into the girl's hands, "Yeah! She loves new people," Iris cuddled up to Lilla and began to purr.

"I'm not allowed to have a cat back home because Max is too aggressive," she frowned sadly.

"Who's Max?" Sam asked, but was cut off when a big French bull dog jumped into his lap and licked his face until he was covered in dog saliva.

"Max! Stop that right now!" Demanded an older woman who must have been Lilla's mom, "I'm so sorry, he's a little wild," The woman sounded embarrassed.

"It's no problem at all! I love pets," Sammy scratched behind Max's ears and laughed when he snuggled up to his neck. The woman picked up Max and held him still, he was panting excitedly and was eager to get down.

"So," the mom began, "I've heard a lot about you boys, you're the musicians, right? When are you gonna give us a little show?"

"Yeah, I think we're going to be playing tonight actually!" Jake chimed in. There was a bar in the back yard that was open to the public and a small stage area that Ms.Loretta has asked them to play at.

May elbowed Josh lightly, "Yeah sing us a song piano man,"

Josh grabbed her hand and pulled her off the seat, "Well, let's give em the ole razzle dazzle, eh?"

Sammy rolled his eyes at his brother and his dumb jokes, but May laughed. In fact, she was laughing so much she forgot she was holding his hand. She yanked it away quickly and followed the boys to the back yard. Josh didn't mean anything when he grabbed her hand, right? He was just giving her a lift, that's all.

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"How's everyone doing tonight?" Josh asked as he adjusted the mic. A few cheers came from the small crowd. There weren't many people there but they were used to that, the only people that watched them play back in Michigan were their friends and a few drunk guys at the bar. May was sitting in a bean bag chair in the lawn along with a few other friends she invited. "We're a band from Michigan called Greta Van Fleet and we wanted to play a few songs for you guys, so uh, this first one we're gonna play is a classic so feel free to sing along."

The crowd began to cheer at the familiar tune of Whole Lotta Love by Led Zepplin, Jake strummed the opening riff on his acoustic guitar and Danny kept beat on the cajon drum he was sitting on.

"Gotta whole lot of love," Josh sang, the crowd clapped along, a few bobbed their heads. May smiled brightly at Josh and winked, this time he winked back.

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