3.2: No Man's Land, Part 2

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—continuing on from part 1–

Suddenly Hesh called, "hey take a look at this, you see the guy on the trailer?" Telling is to look at the screen. We gather around as Logan zooms in. We see a man holding a man wearing a Ghost mask is held at gunpoint before him.
"Well, well, well." Spoke the man with the gun, "So nice you could join us."
"Hey," Hesh asked, "you see that guy's mask?"
The masked guy looked up afraid and confused, as he asked, "Rorke?"
"What's the matter?" Rorke asked teasingly, "You look like you've just seen a ghost."
"You won't get anything from me," the masked guy states.
Rorke looks at him and says, "Well, that's too bad then," as he draws a P226 and seemingly looks like he is about to execute the guy, but the gun clicks empty. The guy drops his head in relief.

"Heh. Now you didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you?" Rorke states, "Oh no. You and me got a lot of catching up to do," as he signals for the man to be removed.

He then turns to speak to the other men ordering them to move everything to Firebase Charlie, including the guy. Adding that Operation Homecoming will proceed on schedule.
"Firebase Charlie?" Hesh says, confused, "Operation Homecoming?"

Suddenly Stalker-Six radioes in, "Viking, what's your position? You boys better double time it or you get left behind."

"Roger that, we're on our way. Marking the rally point now." Hesh says as we get up and prepare to move, "Get Riley out of there. We'll regroup at the exit."

We move to the rally point and regroup with Riley, before proceeding to the target location through a chasm.
"Good boy Riley. Let's move!" Logan says before radioing in, "Stalker-Six, we're headed to your position. Don't start the party without us!"

As we exit the chasm Riley suddenly rushes ahead, barking.
"Riley! Slow down!" Hesh commands with no avail as Riley continues barking.
"What is this dog up to?" Hesh comments before trying again, "Riley, heel!"

We catch up to Riley, who is still barking at nothing. My instincts suddenly go off telling me danger so I ready my rifle, Valkyrie does the same.

"Woah, woah, woah, slow down." Hesh says, trying to calm Riley.
"Something isn't right. What's wrong boy?" Logan asks, looking around.

Slowly but gradually, a large pack of wolves appear from the bushes.
"Oh shit." Hesh curses as he pulls Riley back away from the wolves, "Okay, back it up."

We start shooting the wolves. Chaos ensues and Valkyrie and I become busy trying to save ourselves. Moments later a man comes out of no where and helps us out, causing the wolves to scatter. After reloading, Valkyrie and I walk over to the three as another appears seemingly out of nowhere.

The man looks at us, then says, "You look lost."
"Captain Merrick."

Time skip to after the intel trade off, brought to you by Chibi Y/N cleaning his rifle.

"Captain, this is where we split" I told him, giving him a salute before going over my intel with Valkyrie.
Logan and Hesh were absolutely dumbfounded, "what do you mean split? Weren't we the same squad?" Hesh asked.
"Sorry Hesh," Valkyrie answered, "Higher ups want us to rescue some captives from elsewhere."
Logan just looked at me, raised his hand for a hand shake, and said "stay safe brother."
Shaking his hand I answered, "you too. See you back at base."

I watched as the 4 of them and Riley left the two of us.
"So, what do we have?" Valkyrie asked as she turned back to the intel on her screen.
"Intel shows White Mask activity over here," I said, pointing at the hospital on the map.
"Ok, so that's where they think the prisoners are?" She asked, "you think we'll find my friends?"
"It is one of the few lightly damaged buildings in the area," I added, "and it's been fortified over the past few days," not answering her second question to lower her hopes.
"So what's the plan?"

I pulled up the lay out of the place.

"We will infil from the south and make our way to building one where the prisoners are, building two is the garrison

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"We will infil from the south and make our way to building one where the prisoners are, building two is the garrison." I explain, "the main issue is we're gonna have to use a helo to get them out so the AA positions, marked in blue, have to be taken out."
"Mhm, so where's the helo?"
"On the roof of building 2, so you will go and make sure that thing doesn't leave."

Pulling up structural designs of the breach point, I explain further.

"We will breach around the corner to the stairwell, we can't use the front door because it's fortified and the left wing is in shambles

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"We will breach around the corner to the stairwell, we can't use the front door because it's fortified and the left wing is in shambles."
"Once we get to the stairs, we will go up two floors and head down the hallway to the prison."

I pulled up the lay out of the prison.

"The prisoners are being held in the ICU units, the keys should be in the conference room with the interrogator, their gear should be in the staff locker

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"The prisoners are being held in the ICU units, the keys should be in the conference room with the interrogator, their gear should be in the staff locker."
"Afterwards we will head back down the hallway across the bridge, head to the roof and exfil by helicopter, but we'll have to take out the AA positions first. Any questions?"
"Two," Valkyrie adds, "why do they still have the prisoners' gear, and won't the prisoners have to be carried out?"
"These aren't plain prisoners, they're trying to turn them, it's recruiting. Check your gear, we should have 4 charges."
"No, we only have 2, because someone blew up a convoy," Valkyrie stated, rolling her eyes.
"Oh..." I said, rubbing my head, "I'm sure we'll find something."

A/N: I do not own any images used in this, they are courtesy of their makers.

—end of chapter—

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