D.1: Development

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This is me making short skits of Gray and Co.'s development.
Current Dev team:
Gray Mongoose
Eliza Cohen, Materials and Mechanics
Jordan Trace, Chemistry
Tina Lin Tsang, Mechanics
Mira, Materials and Ballistics

Man, what can I say, Gray never ceases to impress. We get new gear, he breaks it down, we get better gear.

RAIDER Class 1 MRAP "Offender" and RAIDER Class 1 MRAP "Commander"
Enhanced communications systems. Enhanced suspension and traversing capabilities. Upgraded engine. Gyro camera system for better awareness. Trophy AMDA equipped TITAN armor. And an parachute system for drop in. And black mirrors for windows.
27mm auto-cannon turret system
Downside: crew capacity went down from 10 to 9 due to auto-cannon system and ammo storage.
.50 Cal LMG encased turret system
Additional radar and radio systems.

Towed Portable Weapons and Ammunition Depot Mk-VI (TPWAD-VI) "Gray's Workshop":
Gray loves the gift that commander Jalal gave us, that portable weapons depot, so much he has basically turned it into his workshop.

Trophy AMDA (Active Missile Defense Armor):
This system is based on the system used in tanks, it has a rather bulky design and sticks on the outside of the armor. Hard to replace and few usages.

Quasi-Trophy AMDS:
Based on the armor, Gray made a compact disposable semi-portable version.

Electric weapons (EWS):
By studying commander Jalal's "shock stick" as Gray calls it, he was able to understand and recreate the "shock stick" giving us access to electricity based weaponry.
I looked at the door handle and noticed small sparks and a slight outline, suspecting a trap I went and called Timmy, "hey Timmy! Get over here!" I shouted, "can you go call Gray? I've got somewhere to be but need to talk to him, he should be in here," pointing at the door I suspected to be armed with a trap. I walked away as Timmy approached the door.
As he touched the handle he started shaking as if he was being shot with a taser. I kicked him over then kicked the door down to see Gray rolling on the floor laughing, I just stood there looking at him with a hint of anger.
After he stopped laughing and looked up, he noticed that he didn't get me with the trap but poor Timmy, "uh, sir..." he said. I grabbed the object he had stuck to the door handle and slapped it onto his chest, then stood there for a good minute as Gray was being tased by his own creation before taking it off of him.
+Upgraded "Welcome Mat 2" with electric shocker

Concussion weapons (CWS):
Using technology from Saana's Airjab, Gray has successfully isolated the concussion system providing us with concussion weapon systems able to stun enemies with shock waves.

Non-lethal Systems (NLS):
Using flash bangs combined with EWS and CWS, the NLS is capable of taking out most opponents.

Airburst Explosive Systems (AES):
Using technologies found in weapons of Gibraltar, Gray has made the system applicable for all purposes.
"Here catch!" Gray says, tossing a tennis ball. As I try catch it it explodes into a puff of smoke. "Gray, don't turn tennis balls into grenades..." I say, internally face palming. "It's not a grenade," he says, "it's an Airburst Explosive System, and I won't use tennis balls for the real thing."

Ammunition Data Link Systems (ADL):
To assist AES, Gray has developed a system which quickly transfers information to the ammunition from the sensors.

Smoke Airburst Rounds:
Using the ADL-AES technology combined with conventional smokes, Gray has made a system so that smoke-screens can be effectively placed by detonating them at specific times.

Proximity Airburst Systems (PAS):
Yet again messing with Saana's Airjab, Gray isolated the proximity airburst system allowing us to make weapons that detonate when in close proximity while moving.

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