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Beta: Taintedletter

Artwork by peachijuiceart on tumblr/instagram. 


Early spring of 1908


Elizabeth paused in her studies, looking up to find a boy taller than her. He was a cute boy, with neatly combed black hair and deep purple eyes. He was well dressed, and he had a nice smile.

'An heir?' Elizabeth thought to herself, closing her textbook to give the boy her full attention.

No one had approached her in the library for months, after all.

Six months into her alchemical tutoring, Mrs. Delve inquired about Elizabeth's interests. When Elizabeth admitted her desire to combine alchemy and botany, she expected some kind of lecture, or negative reaction.

Instead, Mrs. Delve made an approving comment, and admitted that she was not well versed enough in botany to assist.

The following day, Grandfather Crow gave Elizabeth permission to study in Central's military library in regards to botany. Mrs. Delve would drop her off at the library after their lessons, and a butler would fetch her before dinner.

That had been six months ago, and Elizabeth gleefully took to her studies. The library at home was dismal, and unpleasant to be in, but she found the library at Central to be an utter delight.

It had an overabundance of knowledge, a delightful smell of old books, and plenty of lighting to not feel dull. Elizabeth was utterly content at the library, and thoroughly enjoyed reading there.

Reading was always a good way to distract her from the fact that she had no friends.

She hardly had any interruptions, too.

No one paid her any mind.

Until day.

Today a boy approached her, and was holding out his hand to her.

Elizabeth accepted his hand with a shy smile of her own. "H-Hello."

"I'm new here," the boy went on, shaking her hand. "I'm Selim Bradley."

"E-Elizabeth Luxanna," Elizabeth introduced, retracting her hand.

"I heard about you from my father," Selim said, his smile widening. "You're studying to be a State Alchemist, right? A prodigy?"

"Yes," Elizabeth admitted, wondering why the boy had approached her. Children didn't come up to Elizabeth anymore, and once they knew what she was there for, they usually left.

"That's so cool!" Selim crowd, and Elizabeth thought the sparkle in his eyes was charming. "Hey, can I join you? I don't have school for a while, and it's boring being left alone."

"Oh." Elizabeth's eyes widened, and a hopeful feeling fluttered inside of her chest. "Yes... please do."

'Does this mean...?' Elizabeth watched with disbelief as the boy promptly took a seat beside her. 'Is he... wanting to be my friend?'

'Dear God, please let us become good friends!'


One month later...

Elizabeth Luxanna sat alone at a table in the far back of the library. At first glance one might find the appearance of a five year old girl reading from books as big as her head strange, but those that knew Elizabeth Luxanna would find the situation perfectly normal.

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