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The soldiers carried out the bodies of the rebels one by one and loaded them onto a cart. Elizabeth oversaw this process, while Edward headed back to where he was staying with Alphonse. He asked Elizabeth to stop by before she left, and she promised to do exactly that.

In all, there were little more than two dozen corpses for Elizabeth to experiment with upon her return to the capital.

And one living, if Papa permitted.

The violating vermin was currently bound, gagged, and sedated. It laid beside Elizabeth like a beaten ragdoll on the pavement; listless and defeated.

When Papa stepped out of the den those scumbags resided in, he was dragging a twitching man that kept vomiting blood. Papa smiled at Elizabeth, a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. "The toxin you made me for me works wonders, Elizabeth."

Elizabeth flickered her green eyes down to the convulsing man being dragged by Papa.

'Did he use it on that thing, then?' Elizabeth questioned. If so, and it was still breathing, then that meant it wasn't human.

Elizabeth curtsied. "Thank you, Papa. If I may be so bold, though, I would like to request to keep this one alive for my experiments."

"Hmm." Papa looked over at the bound thing beside Elizabeth. "And if I say no?"

"I kill it here and now," Elizabeth answered obediently. "I know you requested none of them live, but I thought the benefits would outweigh the disadvantages if I could keep one alive for my own purposes."

"Hmm. Your birthday is coming up," Papa mused. "Very well. I will allow this one exception."

Elizabeth curtsied again, lowering her gaze demurely. "Thank you, Papa."

Papa dropped his hold on the inhuman being as the soldiers hurried to chain it up and carry it away. He put away his rapiers, reached forward and patted the top of Elizabeth's head. "We're done here, Elizabeth. Once the train is loaded up, we will leave."

"Ah, Edward asked if I could say goodbye," Elizabeth said, glancing up at Papa.

"Fullmetal's here, huh?" Papa rolled his shoulders. "Very well. Let's clean up and pay them a visit."

"Yes, Papa."


According to the address Edward gave Elizabeth, he and Alphonse were staying at a local butchery. Come late evening, Papa and Elizabeth strolled into the shop, despite it saying closed, and awaited to be greeted at the counter.

A man stepped out of the backroom to greet them, his size and stature towering above the both of them. He was large—about Major Armstrong's size—and dressed in a heavy butcher's apron. He asked them, his voice a low grumble, "You are Elizabeth and her father?"

Elizabeth politely greeted the man with her most graceful curtsy. "Good evening, sir. I am Elizabeth, and this is my father führer King Bradley. Edward Elric mentioned he was staying here with his brother and we were hoping to visit them before leaving."

"They mentioned you were coming. Please follow me," the man said, his tone surprisingly gentle.

"You are friends of Edward and Alphonse?" Elizabeth politely inquired.

"They stayed with us while they trained under my wife," the man answered.

"Your wife is a talented alchemist, from what I've heard," Papa murmured, his deep voice carrying a soft tone. It was the same tone Mumma said Papa used when he wanted to get something he wanted from her. "I heard she was injured trying to save our State Alchemist? If she is capable, I'd like to pay her a visit and give thanks."

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