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Beta: TaintedLetter


Elizabeth felt a hair tickle her nose, making her nose wrinkle up as she slowly transitioned from peaceful slumber to groggy awareness. She bearily stared up at the ceiling of Selim's room, warm and comfortable in Selim's bed. Tomorrow—er—today was supposed to be a big day so Selim wanted Elizabeth to sleep in his bed. Not that she had any complaints whatsoever. She was used to falling asleep with him after the two finished reading their bed time stories of war crimes, psychology, and whatnot. Selim himself was curled up beside Elizabeth, his head on her chest.

Selim had no body heat of his own, and enjoyed the warmth Elizabeth provided. Like a cat finding a good sunspot.

It was super adorable and always made Elizabeth smile. She wished she could take a picture of her best friend like such. He rarely showed a "vulnerable" side, let alone displayed it around a camera.

'One day,' Elizabeth promised herself.

The sun had only barely begun to rise, judging by the slimmer of light peeking through the bedroom curtains. Early enough that Mumma would likely still be asleep, and breakfast wouldn't be served for a while longer.

'I guess I'll go back to sl—'

"Ellie," came Selim's soft voice. "It's time to get up."

"Ah," came the surprised noise from Elizabeth. Selim was rarely up before her. "Okay."

"Get dressed and pack something to entertain you for a day," Selim told her, sitting up from the bed and rubbing at his eyes. "Don't dawdle."

"Okay," Elizabeth agreed to, yawning as she crawled out of the bed.

Returning to Central almost a month ago had been a lovely affair. Papa, Mumma, and Selim were all at the train station to meet with Elizabeth, along with an assortment of soldiers who came to collect the unconscious, and maimed Scar.

The Xing girl Selim kidnapped was stuffed in Elizabeth's bag along with Scar's arm. Both were to be given to Grandpapa as a gift. Apparently the girl knew a form of alchemy that Elizabeth—and possibly Grandpapa—hadn't studied before. Selim was positive Grandpapa would be pleased with these gifts, which made Elizabeth happy.

Certainly made her feel a touch better than before. She would be lying if she said she wasn't still bitter over the Elrics apparently playing her like a fool.

Colluding with Scar, pretending to get beaten, all the while they were working with him.

To think she was so worried about them! All that time, and energy spent with them, helping them, felt like such a momentous waste.


Just thinking about them left a sour taste in Elizabeth's mouth and an undeniable urge to run them straight through with her rapier.

No wonder Papa and Selim were so wary of humans—they always did this!

Elizabeth was done. She well and truly learned her lesson this time.

The only ones she could trust were her family—homunculi.

Her bitter mood was marred only by Selim's presence. Her dearest friend kept Elizabeth so busy the past month with mass producing the fungi—which was named Briggs—baking, and shipping material to an address somewhere in Drachma. She didn't have the time to dwell on her anger, or hurt over their betrayal.

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