XXXIII - Epilogue

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1974 (60 years later)

In a large manor there hummed a young woman with brilliant emerald eyes and curly chocolate brown hair. She hummed as she painted a picture of a greenhouse she once knew, and remembered fond memories of old.

She was Lilliana Von Sovershenstvo, heiress and only granddaughter to the famous alchemist Dware Von Sovershenstvo.

Dware was a genius alchemist and one of only a handful of survivors of the fall of Amestris. The pale haired, golden-eyed man fled to Drachma with only his friend, Kimblee, and sought sanctuary. In exchange for protection and citizenship, Dware and Kimblee passed on Amestris alchemical teachings to their military and within a decade Dware became an integral and famous alchemist. He was nearly above reproach, and had such a powerful charisma about him. Drachma's czar adored him to no end, and it proved highly advantageous for Dware.

The fall of Amestris had shaken the world to its very core. Millions of lives taken in seemingly one night was... terrifying. The blame had been placed squarely on a powerful and dangerous fungi that had rapidly grown in the country. It was, thankfully, still contained in the country, but any unfortunate souls who ventured into Amestris to try and find out what happened were always contaminated and killed. It was believed that the fungus was the reason for the country's downfall.

It's not like anyone could claim otherwise, and the prominent survivors—such as Dware—said it was the fungi which had originated from a testing facility in Briggs.

The other famous survivor from Amestris in Drachma was a talented engineer known as Lacey Lue Lustavious. Her inventions put her on Drachma's high value targets, and when she began to make them weapons far superior than any other nation... She became invaluable.

She and Dware were both powerful figures in the nation. Enough so that the two "families" were sought after by hundreds of potential applicants for marriage.

Although no one was publically accepted into the family until their sudden grandchildren decades later.

Lilliana Von Sovershenstvo, as the prodigal granddaughter of Dware.

And Madson Salem Lustavious as the genius grandson of Lacey.

(While Father and Lust were setting up their ties in Drachma, Humility and Pride had toured Xing for a few decades to acquire unique ingredients for truly... world breaking experiments Humility and Father wanted to perform. They also wanted to study chi, and how the Xingese were able to detect their... less than human traits. It took time to find someone willing to teach them, and in doing so they learned how to repress their signature. A vital skill to hide in plain sight They were only able to finish up their tasks in time for Lust & Father to declare them their "grandchildren" instead of "children.")

The whole country trembled when the two were arranged to be wed, as it meant the unification of two terribly powerful families.

There was a knock at Lilliana's workroom, causing her to pause in her brushstroke and turn her head. She smiled with sweet adoration at her "husband" who quietly entered the room.

In public the two were the ideal couple.

In private the two were genuine best friends with a lethal obsession.

"The czar has officially decided for us to go to war," Madson said, a wicked smile on his face. "We're being called into action."

"Oh my," drawled out a gleefully malicious tone. "He's already wanting to expand Drachma this soon? Grandpapa will be delighted."

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