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Today I'm wandering round town looking for jobs once again, I swear I've probably handed my CV in everywhere but I'm trying again. It's unlikely to be a success though since I'm only 10 minutes in and I've already stopped in the café for a break.

After sitting there for 15 minutes, maybe even longer I drag myself out of the nice warm café and start walking towards another alley full of shops, there those little local businesses which are a little eccentric and usually family owned but it's got to be worth a try.

I'm just crossing the road to go into the alley, I see a car to my right but it's far enough away that it will stop before it gets to me. So I cross the road, I can see the car advancing out of the corner of my eye and then it registrars in my head that this car isn't slowing down. That's when it collides, I hit the floor hard and the pain sears through my body as the car drives off. People start flocking round and staring at me.

"Will you stop staring and call an ambulance." I shout at one of them.

I tried to move myself out of the middle of the road but as much as my brain wills my body won't move even an inch. Some women's called an ambulance but I'm starting to cause traffic, I can't believe the crowd that's started to form.

I sit there for another 15 minutes or so before we here the lights and sirens and then the ambulance pulls up. By this time I am in agony, I'm screaming which I think is only attracting more people.

"everyone out the way, come on this isn't an episode of casualty." One of the paramedics says as he makes his way through the crowd. The other seems to be moving the crowd along.

"Hi my names Darren, I am a paramedic, what's your Name?" he asks.

"Eden, it's my leg, I was run over." I tell him.

"Ok, we will get you looked over and we will give you some pain relief." he replies.

The next hour of my life is pretty much a blur, they straighten my leg out on the street which is the worst pain ever. They have pumped me full of drugs to help with the pain and something to help in case I have internal bleeding. I'm put on a stretcher and the next thing I remember clearly is a day or so later when they are discharging me.

"Right you are ready to go home, is there someone that can come and get you?" He asks me.

"I live alone, there's just me." I tell him.

"We need to discharge you into the care of another adult in case you develop concussion and with that leg we don't recommend that you are on you own since you need to rest it. What about a friend that could pick you up until you get something sorted?" The doctor explains.

"Yeah, course I'll just call them." I say pulling out my phone and scrolling through my contacts as she walks out of the door. Who do I call?

I call Kate and she tells me she is coming but I have a sneaky suspicion that she will be bringing a care worker with her since she isn't over 18. I chat a little with the nurse who is very intent on planning out my life for me and getting me to go travelling, it's a shame I have no money and no one to go with but I just nod and smile at her suggestions since I can't be bothered to get into this with her right now.

By the time Kate and Emily (a care worker) arrive it feels like I've been sat here for an eternity instead of the 20 minutes or so it's really been.

"I'm so sorry, she insisted on coming said you would need an adult to bail you out." Kate tells me once Emily and the nurse have gone to sort out my discharge.

"It's fine, she's probably right and I wasn't sure about taking the bus anyway." I reply since I can tell she feels bad.

"So what happened?" Kate asks me.

"oh you know hit by a car." I say casually.

"OMG EDEN" Kate says all dramatically.

"God, I'm fine Kate. I'm getting discharged remember." I tell her before she moans that I should have called her earlier. Soon enough I am discharged with crutches and Emily takes us both back to the car.

"so you're going to be staying with us for the next 6-8 weeks then?" Emily asks as we start the drive.

"Oh no, I'm fine to go home." I tell her not wanting to get sucked back into the care home.

"The nurse said you were going to need constant help and you wouldn't get the cast off for at least 6 weeks." Emily says matter of factly.

"my erm neighbour, he's said he will look after me. We're quiet good friends actually anyway his car is in the garage, he's getting it back tonight. If you just drop me home, I won't be any more bother." I tell her.

"Are you sure he's not some kind of weirdo??" Emily asks seeming concerned about my 'friendship'.

"No, It's a block of teenagers, I know him from school." I reply.  

A/N - please let me know what you think in the comments xx

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