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I wake up my body aching all over and a shooting pain going down my leg. I open my eyes and look around to find that I am laid on the floor. I try to sit up but the pain in my leg is unbearable and then I remember why. I was trying to get my tablets from the kitchen shuffling along without my crutches like the nurse suggested I do from time to time. Well I started wobbling as the pain killers wore of and the pain came back and then I fell into a heap in the middle of the living room.

I fumble around in my pockets looking for my phone and then I see it on the arm of the sofa. Now my flat is a small flat, tiny in fact but right now that phone seemed like it was miles away and there was no way I could drag my body over there to get it. I lay on the cold floor for what must be a couple more hours before a knock comes on the door.

"Who is it?" I question.

"Eden it's me." I hear Kate call back.

"Come in." I call back to her. I hear her try the door but I must have locked it last night.

"Eden it's not working, let me in." Kate replies sounding a little confused. I will my body to move across towards the door but all that happens is I scream from the pain of moving my leg.

"Eden stay there, I'm going to get the building manager." Kate calls sounding frantic before I hear her running down the stairs. Before I know it he is unlocking the door and Kate and the building manager are standing over me.

"Eden, Are you ok?" Kate quizzes.

"Yeah, I just fell I'm fine." I lie.

"Let's get you up." The building manager, Steve says offering me his hand to help me.

"I'm going to need my meds first, this legs agony." I quickly reply and Kate hurries off to the kitchen to get them along with a glass of water.

"Oh God." I say before promptly being sick on the floor.

Steve brings me some kitchen roll and I manage to mumble a very embarrassed Thank you.

"Is there someone I can call for you?" He then asks as he begins to clean it up.

"I'll be fine once I've taken my pills. I'll clean that up too." I say but he continues to wipe the floor.

"I'm calling the boys." Kate says firmly as she hands me the water and my tablets.

"I've told you not to bother them. Honestly I'll be fine in a minute." I says before swallowing the pills.

"Shall we prop that foot up, elevating it should help with the pain." Steve tells me. He brings a pillow from the couch and places it under my foot as I wince in pain trying my hardest not to shout at him. I then shuffle myself so I am against the wall since I've been sitting/lying and that was getting uncomfortable.

"Is there anything else I can get you?" Steve asks.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you for everything though and I'm so sorry." I say feeling slight embarrassed about everything.

"That's fine, I'll leave you girls to it and I'll come and see you in a bit." he tells us.

"Thanks." I reply as he leaves and Kate comes and sits next to me.

"You gave me a heart attack back there. I thought you were going to end up back in hospital." Kate tells me.

"I'm sorry, the pain was just a bit too much." I say apologetically.

"Don't be stupid, I'm glad you're ok." She smiles.

||A couple of hours later||

I hear a knock at the door and a few nudges before I open my eyes, I must have fallen asleep on Kate's shoulder. She gets up and answers the door and to my surprise standing there Is my family, well everyone apart from Emma.

A/N - My wattpads being really weird so sorry if I don't reply to comments or messages xx pls still vote though it means alot xx

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