Paying Respect

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"Come on Eden, please tell me your dressed we are going to be late." Ross tells me before coming into my room.

"God I've got at least an hour." I reply. I didn't get what his problem was it was only half nine and the service wasn't until 11.

"What you've got 20 minutes if that we need to get there." He says sounding confused.

"The funeral's not until 11 why are we leaving so early?" I questioned.

"It's at 10, get a move on." Ross argued back.

"What? Emma said 11. Can you get my dress from the bathroom." I ask starting to panic.

I sit down and start trying to do my make up and then I look in the mirror and see my hair is a total mess. Oh god my make up was going to have to wait. I grab my hair brush and start brushing out my long very knotted hair.

"You can't wear this." Ross says coming into my room holding up my dress which is soaking wet and very wrinkled.

"Oh god, Ross what am I going to wear?" I question rummaging through my wardrobe which didn't have much in it and most of what was in my suitcase was wrinkled from being folded so long.

We both look through my clothes for what seems like forever but is in actual fact a couple of minutes.

"Here you can wear this, you must have a black jumper or t-shirt to go with it." Ross says taking a skirt out of my wardrobe.

I continue to look through my clothes which my I just add seem to have a distinct lack of black in them and shake my head at Ross. He leaves the room and comes back a few minutes later with a jumper in hand.

"You can borrow this, It might be a little bit big." He says handing it over.

"quickly before we're late and leave the make up, you don't need it." He tells me.

I quickly change adding tights and a t-shirt under the jumper since it was cold outside. I grab a bag and shove my phone and a few other bits inside before running down stairs and slipping my feet into my black shoes.

"Ready?" Emma asks and we all make our way out onto the street where the car was parked that was going to take us to the church. We all pile in but it soon becomes clear that it was only a four seat and not five. I've ended up next to Emma and the boys are all trying to cram in on one side.

"You don't deserve to be here. Get out and walk." Emma whispers to me as the boys squirm and argue.

I climb out of the car and slam the door behind me which catches the boys attention and then the car pulls away. I walk over to where a crowd has started to gather and hug Belle.

"What's happened?" She asks me.

"I wanted to walk." I tell her as we all follow the cars round to the church. Ross, Pete, Finn, Adam and two men from the church carry the coffin into the church and we all follow behind and take our seats.

Harriet starts off talking about dad talking about how great a man he was and how much he meant to us all. Emma makes a speech and then Adam, followed by Finn, Pete and Ross. I didn't make a speech, how could I knowing that this was all my fault.

We then all took umbrella's from the church and made our way outside, everyone was here, most of the village had turned up to pay respect to my father. It was raining heavily outside so I shared a umbrella with Ross while, Emma, Finn and Pete shared another. I cuddled in close to Ross resting my head on his shoulder as Harriet said her speech and then one by one we chucked a flower onto dad's coffin before walking away.  

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