Someone New

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Pete's sat in the living room watching the Tv, I go in and take the remote from the sofa and flick over the channel.

"Oi, I was watching that." He says chucking a pillow at me.

"Yeah you WERE, Now I'm watching this." I smile.

He comes over to where I am sat and starts tickling me.

"Stop! Stop!" I say whilst laughing.

"What's that? More?" He asks tickling me even more.

"NO! STOP!" I shout and he finally stops tickling me.

"Luckily for you I have to get to work." He tells me grabbing his coat and leaving soon after.

I continue to watch the TV and play on my phone.

"I think you should go out, you've been sitting round here too long annoying the boys." Emma says coming over to where I am sat.

"The boys are all at work but I'll make sure to stay out there way when they're home." I reply.

"I said go out, go on get out of here." She yells at me.

I quickly fumble for the remote and turn the Tv off, I grab my crutches and slip on some shoes before hobbling out of the house. I'm not really sure where to go since I haven't explored the village much and I don't have any money to go to the café or pub. I go and sit on the bench near the park which brings back memories of when I was first here.

"Are you ok?" I hear a voice ask and I look up to see a girl about my age with short blonde hair who looks vaguely similar.

"I'm fine." I reply a little bluntly since it wasn't true.

"Sorry, I don't mean to intrude, not many people sit out here and with your leg I was just wondering." She says apologetically.

"It's fine, sorry I'm just getting some air. Things at home are a little stressful." I say opening up a little.

"Oh, I'm belle by the way. If there's anything I can do to help." She smiles sitting beside me.

"Thank you, My names Eden." I tell her.

"Haven't we met before? at the bus shelter, you'd been crying and said you were just visiting." Belle queries

"Oh yeah, I'd completely forgotten. That day was a bit hectic." I tell her remembering it in all full now.

"So who are you visiting?" Belle asks.

"My Family, Emma and James Barton and my brothers." I tell her.

"Oh, wait your brothers? I didn't know they had another child." Belle replies sounding a little shocked.

"Yeah, they didn't know till about 6 months ago, I was put into care." I explain.

"Oh right, sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up." she apologises.

"No, It's fine. I turned 18 in October and I though I would come and find them. To say they were shocked is an understatement, none of them believed me. I had to do a DNA test with Ross and then Emma had to own up to putting in care and she told them all I was dead. A couple of weeks ago when I broke my leg I ended up coming to live with them." I explain.

"Wow. What's it like now, do you get on with them?" She asks.

"Yeah most of the time." I lie, well not really, I do get on with the boys and James most of the time but I had never really gotten along with Emma.

"What about your family?" I ask realising we had talked about mine for long enough.

"well it's a little complicated, there is my mum Lisa, Dad Zak. 6 half siblings all on my dad's side, none of which live with us but Cain does work at the garage and Sam works up at home farm and has a kid called Samson. There's god knows how many aunties and Uncles. Chas my aunt works at the woolpack with her son Aaron and then there is Debbie, my cousin, and her kids Sarah and Jack and Cain's other kids Kyle and Isaac. Oh and then there is Marlon my Cousin and his kids April and Leo and that's just the ones I can remember." She reels off which surprises me a little.

Coming from care I wasn't really used to meeting people with big elaborate families, we were lucky if we even knew who are parents were let alone any other family members.

"Yeah, The dingles is a pretty big family but it means there is always someone to look out for you." She smiles.

"It must be nice having so many people look out for you. I remember when I was in care there was a few of us older kids that looked out for the little ones because we never really had that." I reply.

"Yeah, It can be annoying though, you know so many people wanting to know everything. I went out with this guy last year and my whole family practically wanted to meet him." She tells me.  

A/N -Pls let me know what ypu think of this story in thr comments xx

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