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 Me and Belle had gone into to town to get away from the depressing mood of the village recently. The crash had had a massive impact on the village and I couldn't help thinking that I had caused all the devastation in such a small village.

Belle was trying her hardest to distract me but all I could think about was dad and how or even if I should tell the boys what really happened that day.

We finally decided to call it a day when I stood staring off into space for about five minutes thinking about my family and then burst into tears. I walked towards the house and I could hear Emma shouting the odds probably at some poor unsuspecting victim, all I need was her in a bad mood. I continued down until I could now see Emma stood outside Ashley and Laurels house. Emma was arguing with Ashley.

"I think your confused Ashley, me and John we were just talking on the bridge." She tells him. The argument clearly about what Ashley saw at the crash which I am assuming was what I had saw.

"Ashley did you see Emma and John arguing on the bridge?" I asked using their names since I didn't want to confuse him further.

"Yes, Yes I am sure of it." he tells me.

"Don't listen to her, she's just telling you what you want to hear because your ill." Emma tells Ashley.

"I'm not mistaken, not this time." He insists.

"No because I saw It too." I replied.

"And no one will believe you. A dementia ridden old man who doesn't know what day of the week it is and a mentally ill young child lashing out as she saw her father die." Emma taunts us.

My mind was made up I had put up with Emma for long enough and the boys needed to know a little bit of the truth about her, she was winding up a man who was already struggling with his memory. I walked into our house were the boys were all sat watching TV.

"I need to tell you something." I say turning the TV off and standing in front of them.

"What's up?" Finn asks.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't tell you the truth about what happened at the crash. I was scared of what would happen." I tell them.

"What are you talking about?" Ross questions as all three boys are clearly confused.

"Emma, she pushed dad over the edge. I wanted to tell you but I was scared but she's trying to confuse Ashley now because he saw the same as me." I explain.

"There is no way mum pushed him." Pete says raising his voice.

"What does mum say happened?" Ross then asks.

"She said he jumped but I was there, I saw it happen, they were arguing." I reply.

"Mum wouldn't hurt anyone, especially not family" Finn sticks up for her.

"Well this, mum gave me that." I say pulling up my sleeve to reveal a large bruise.

"Stop lying, you got that from walking into a door frame." Pete says angrily. That's what Emma had made me tell him when in fact she had punched me for something.

"Your probably just getting confused with everything that's happened. Why don't you get some rest and we'll talk about it tomorrow." Ross tells me.

I stormed up stairs I couldn't believe it, not one of them had believed me.  

A/N - pls let me know what you think of this in the comments xx

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