Who You Are

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"I wish Klaus would have told me about you sooner," Mom shrugged her shoulders as she stopped in front of a door, "I could have made the room up for you."

Willow looked around the room; it was like it had never been touched, with a twin sized bed that had beige sheets and a grey comforter, a small chest of a dresser and a dusty vanity. She thought about her apartment back home, with all of the plants and sunlight that filled her heart with contentment.

There wasn't a window in the room, which threw her off. Willow would have to bring in succulents and maybe some ferns to decorate the space. It occurred to her that she would have to buy new versions of everything; the past few days she had taken clothes from the lost and found and slept at the studio, where she posed as a student.

Willow sighed, but felt a tiny glimmer of hope at the realization that she would have to start a whole new life.

"Don't worry, though," The blonde tipped her head in approval before continuing, "I'll have fresh sheets on the bed and have dusted before you know it!"

"I don't mind cleaning it." Willow offered politely.

"Don't be silly! You're our guest, Willow." Mom gave a tiny bow and looked around once more at the room. "I'll let you...unpack."

"Thank you."

Willow took a deep breath, inhaling particles of dust as she peered around the desolate room. It had potential; white walls were good for painting. The floors were original hardwood-she would have had to pay extra for those in an actual apartment. She could put curtains up in lieu of windows to give the illusion and-

How permanent was the situation? Would she be staying in this large palace that gave her the creeps for the rest of her life? Just until Vanya took control of her powers? Until they kicked her out? Until Klaus decided that she wasn't the same person that he had first met and that over all she wasn't nearly as exciting?


Klaus was in the doorway, smiling at the floorboards. She couldn't help but be comforted by his presence; his smile was electric and he was like white noise to her. He wore a black cropped top and leather pants with holes, his hair in the usual messy spectrum that she wanted to grab.

"Hey yourself." Willow smiled back, unable to help herself. "I'm still mad at you."

"Oh?" Klaus pouted and tilted his head. "What for this time, sweet lover?"

"You should have told me you were getting clean." Willow stayed firmly, smiling in a slight more melancholy tone.

"And miss out on doing all my favorite uppers and downers with my favorite person?" The man snorted and laughed. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world."

"It seems that's what's at stake with your sobriety." She rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest. "If you want to get sober, I'll help you get sober."

"You can't stay sober." He teases with his face scrunched up as he laughed. Willow scowled for a moment before joining in.

"You're right."

"That's a nice bed there." Klaus gestured, inviting himself into the room. He shut the door behind him and she felt her thighs clench together. "It would be a shame, Willow Jeans, if we broke it."

"A tragedy." Willow licked her lips in anticipation as he reached out and grabbed her by her hips, swaying himself into her. Her cheeks turned a shade of rose as his groin brushed against her, tense underneath his leather pants.

One of his hands released her hip, rolling up to her face and pressing in for a light, teasing kiss as his other hand slid back and grabbed her ass hard. Her mouth opened in feigned shock as her own hands snakes around his neck and pulled him back as the fell onto the bed.

Under The Influence: A Klaus Hargreeves Fanfic | Umbrella Academy AU |Where stories live. Discover now