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spicy scenes in this chapter
The next day Clem got to school feeling ecstatic about the night before. That was her very first kiss with her very first boyfriend. She was over the moon and couldn't wait to tell Violet. Clem walked into fourth period and was instantly greeted by Louis. Their eyes locked and they gave eachother the biggest smiles. Clem took her seat and Violet (who sits behind her)whispers into her ear.

"Did it happen?" She asked excitedly. Violet always put on this tough act when in reality she was just as soft and girly as anybody else. Clem nodded her head and the biggest smile appeared on her face. Every time she thought about last night she would get super excited. Violet high fived Louis and class began. Class zoomed by and lunch rolled around.

Marlon and Louis were the only ones at the table at the time. Louis was smiling and just all in all happy. Marlon being his bestfriend wanted to know what's up.

"Lou? Are you okay? I don't think i've seen that smile leave your face yet." He said chuckling. Louis chuckled and replied.

"i took Clem on a date and it went really well... And i kissed her!" He said the most excited he has ever sounded. Marlon smiled and laughed to himself. Marlon knows Louis has real feelings for Clem. Not just "the feelings" that will go away in a short amount of time. These were genuine and real... he just hoped his heart wouldn't get broken.

"dude! That's great! How was the kiss?" Marlon asked excitedly. This wasn't Louis' first kiss but he still wanted to know if it was good.

"It was nice. very short, very sweet. It was her first kiss." Louis said smiling. Every time he though about Clem he couldn't help it. He thought she was so cute. Just as marlon was about to answer the rest of the group walked up. Marlon looked at Clem and smiled. She smiled back and went and gave Louis' a kiss on the cheek. Both of their cheeks heated when that happened. Everyone except Marlon and Violet looked surprised.

"since when have you two had a thing?" Asked sophie kind of defensively.

"Louis asked me to be his girlfriend and I accepted." Clem said with the biggest smile scooting closer to Louis. She knew sophie and Louis had a thing a while back but it didn't bother her at all. Sophie rolled her eyes.

"Well we're happy for you two." Said Minnie as she snuggled up to Violet. They had been dating for almost a year.  They were so happy together. Violets heart beats for Minnie, as Minnie's heart beats for Violet.

"thanks a lot guys." said Louis still with a huge smile. The bell rang and everyone carried on with their day.

After school

Clem sat on her bed and was doing homework. Just as she finished she got a text. She looked at her phone and smiled, it was Louis.

"Hey want to come over and study?"

Study for what? Thought clem. There was nothing to study for, except maybe eachother. Clem quickly realized he just wanted her to come over. She giggled and replied with "sure, i'll be there soon." She ran down the stairs and walked up to lee.

"Hey dad? May I go to Louis' house and study?" She asked nervously. She felt weird asking to go to a boys house.

"Sure sweet pea, make smart choices." Lee said jokingly, he knows teenagers will do things together, he just hoped it wasn't this early in what looked like a relationship.

Clem our in her shoes and ran out the door. Nearly forgetting her backpack to study. She arrived at Louis' house and straighten herself out. She fixed her hair and patted down her shirt. She let out a sigh and knocked on the door. She was very nervous. A bald caucasian man opened the door. His eyes were green and his body wasn't slender or fat, it was a happy medium. He smiled and clem

"hi, i'm Louis' dad." He said with a want smiled, He offered his hand and clem accepted

"Uh hi, My names Clementine." She said nervously. Just as they finished the exchange Louis' came to the door. He invited clem in and they went up to Louis' room. Louis' opened the door to his room. If smelled like a mixture of flowers and cologne. It was a very interesting smell to say the least. Clem went and sat in his bed and Louis sat next to her.

"So lou... what are we going to study?" She said sheepishly

"Hmm not sure, i just kind of said study so i could spend some time with you," He said while laughing.

Clem turned and looked him in the eyes and laughed. Just as they finished laughing clem leaned in and kissed Louis. It was much longer than last time. Their lips collided with a great amount of intensity. Their lips seemed to go with each other's perfectly as they got a rhythm down. Louis placed in of his hand on her check and the other right above her knee. Not daring to go any higher. Kissing this long made clem feel something she had never felt before. Her ears were hot and her stomach was queazy. But most of all she had this weird feeling between her legs. She crossed her legs to stop the feelings she was having. Louis' smiled totally knowing why she did that. He pulled away and smiled at her.

"lou? Can i ask you something?" Asked clem. Her smile fading. Louis looked concerned.

"Sure Clem anything." he said nervously

"What's the farthest you've gotten with someone?" It's not that clem would care, she just wants to know.

"I've made out with one other person , and that was Sophie. I've never had sex or anything, i'm a virgin." He said win flushed cheeks and a slight smile. Clem went in and hugged him and when she pulled back they continued kissing. They kissed until Clem felt that feeling between her legs once again. This time stronger, she once gain closed her legs and Louis noticed this. He smiled through their kiss and said

"Is everything alright?" He said sort of mocking her. She nodded her head and continued kissing. Louis put his hand right above her knee and she felt the feeling intensify. However she wasn't the only one experiencing feelings. Louis was also feeling something happening, in-fact something very visible was happening. Clem noticed and gasped. She had never seen a bulge before. Louis' cheeks heated up, he pulled away and excused himself to the bathroom. This left Clem feeling like she did something wrong. Had she done something wrong. Louis can't back and smiled at her. He kissed her cheek and said.

"Soo am I a good kisser?" He said this sort of mockingly knowing what had just happened to clem.

"Hardly," Said clem joking with him "what about me?" She said seriously asking. She was very nervous but at the same time intrigued. That was her first time she had seen a bulge... and he had to get up and leave. She was left thinking she had done something wrong.

"You're great Clem, really great." He said smiling, he was very embarrassed. No one had actually ever seen his bulge besides him. He was self conscious, what if Clem thought it was too small? Or that it was gross that that happened. All these questions raced through his mind. He left to go to the bathroom to try and calm down. He needed his issue to go away. Clem smiled when he said that, but she was still confused about why he left.

"If it was fine, why did you leave so abruptly?" She said seriously questioning. She watched Louis' face change go embarrassment. He looked down at his feet and said,

"I uh had a situation i needed to deal with." He said embarrassed. Hopefully clem would get the hint. Clem realize what he was talking about and her cheeks turned red. She was confused as to why he had to leave as it is only normal. She shrugged her shoulders and stood right in front of him. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him. He put his arms around her waist and kissed back. They kissed like that for a while before clem pulled away and announced that she had to go. She kissed him goodbye and went home. Louis went back to his room thinking of what just happened. He smiled and sat down in his bed. Clem went home and did the same, still feeling wetness between her legs. She smiled and went to shower. She couldn't wait until the next time they hung out.

Okay haiii guys!! I really hope you are enjoying this. I Am going to skip like 3 months in the story as to progress. Next chapter will be SPICY ! I hope you guys are enjoying so far!! Thanks

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