Untitled Part 16

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the next day

"danny i'm going shoppi-" i walk in on him beating his meat "damn it jenny!" he puts his dick away and bottons up his jeans

"oh now you cover yourself up but yesterday you had yo dick out stroking yourself in front of me" i laugh

"shut the fuck up and give me a han-

"i can't i'm going shopping" i walk out of the room

"JENNY!" he came out after me he grabs my hand "you ain't going no where without my dick by yo side" he said sounding serious making me bust out laughing

"okay dud- baby" I correct myself, he doesn't like me calling him dude

"mhm" he glares at me "we don't want you hugging niggas again do we?" he said darkly bringing the bad memories back.. why would he say that? he then walks downstairs

i went into the bathroom to put some more makeup on my cut, it's crazy what makeup can cover up, when i got gone i went downstairs to see danny waiting by the door "ready?" he asks, i nod as we walk out the door and got into his rainbow car, he started his car and put his song stoopid on, i look at danny and sing "bitch you sillllllyy" as i dance a little then laugh hard as fuck, he laughs and shakes his head at me

10 minutes later

we made it to the store, i was about to open the car door but he grabs my hand making me look at him with a frown "give me a kiss" he smiles, i kiss him softly, as i was about to pull away he grabs my face again and deepens the kiss, i smile into the kiss, i bite his lip as i pull away he bites his lip and smirks "come on lets go" i say then open the door

10 minutes into shopping

i got 3 bags full of new clothes

but i don't know where danny went, just then i seen him walk out of the store, i pay for my shirt then walk out only to see him kissing a girl.. he then pushed her away and pointed at her it was as if he was telling her off, i walked closer just then he seen me and he looked shocked and mad "baby she kissed me i swear" i looked at the bitch and she wiped her tears then glared at me

i drop my bags next to the bags that danny had and went up to her "what bitc-

i cut her off with a punch in the face, she held her nose, i jumped on her and started punching that hoe just then danny pulls me off her "stop baby! it's okay" i turn around and just walk off leaving him to carry the bags "wait" i heard him yell but i kept walking, i made it to his car and stood with my arms crossed and waited for his bitch ass

he made it to the car carrying all 5 bags, he made it to his car and glared at me, he unlocked his car and I straight in the car, Danny put the bags in then he get in, i looked out the window but i felt him looking at me

"jenny?" he calls but i ignore him

"jenny don't ignore me, i pushed her away"

"JENNY!" he yells and i heard him hit something too but again i ignore him

he said something under his breath then started the car

10 minutes later

we made it to the house, i got out of the car and slammed his door shut, again leaving him to carry the bags

i unlock the door and slam that shut too, he punched me bc me and pump hugged but a bitch just kissed him! i went upstairs into our the spare room i sit on the bed, just then i heard the door open so i put on sippin tea in yo hood by X, i turn it up so i can't hear danny's bitch ass


i see danny stand in the door way with his arms crossed, he looks at me, i see his lips moving but i can't hear him, i look down at my nails and i smile to myself, just then the TV went off i look up and he's standing by the TV, (the TV is on the same wall as the door) this bitch really just turned X off?

"jenny listen to me!" he raised his voice

"i didn-"

i turn the TV back on by the remote cutting him off and look at my nails again


i look up again and danny isn't in there anymore, i sigh as i look back down, i don't know what to think..

just then i heard a loud smash, my head shot up and i seen danny with a bat, this fucker just smashed the TV screen, my jaw drops just then he swangs at the TV again, making me flinch and shoot up off the bed "DANNY!" i yell, he then threw the bat on the floor and pulls the TV off it's stand making it fall to the floor and the TV completely shut off

my jaw drops, this fucker is crazy..

"now.." danny starts talking "you're gonna fucking listen to me" i look at him still in shock "sit down.." he pointed to the bed "y-you don't get to tell me what to do, a bitch kissed you! bitches don't just go around kissing guys!" i say now annoyed again

he glared at me and picks the bat up he turns around, i thought he was gonna leave but he slams the door shut and puts the bat over his shoulder "why you really wanna run your mouth right now? sit the fuck down" (see what i did there? lol) i just look at him in shock also still annoyed, i should listen but i'm too mad..

"SIT DOWN BEFORE I SMASH YOUR HEAD IN!" he yells making me flinch and sit down, i look at him making sure not to my eyes off his crazy ass

he walks over to me and stands in front of me "now listen" he starts "that was the same thot that texted me, the same bitch that you blocked, i seen her outside the store so i went out there to tell her to leave me alone, i swear this bitch is a stalker i don-" he shook his head "i don't know.. but she kissed me, i didn't kiss back, i pushed her away"

"i just love the fact that you punched me bc me and pump hugged but a bitch kisses you but i never toughed you.." i shook my head in disbelief

"you know i'm jealous but you still hugged him" he took the bat off his shoulder and put the bat down on the bed next to me

"i am too! would that make it okay to hit you everytime i get jealous?"

he glares at me "if i was you i'd think real hard about what you're gonna say next.." he said in a warning tone

i stood up "would it tho?" i raised my voice

"bitch you know better than to put yo hands on m-

i cut him off with a hard slap across the face making his head turn to the side, as soon as i did it i regretted it.. all i kept thinking about is that bitch kissing my man.. i was too heated to control myself, he slowly looked at me with the most evilest look i've ever seen..

i started to panic

"no danny im so sor-" he grabs my throat tightly and pushed me on the bed and he got into on my legs beventing me from kicking as he still choking me "i-im s-sorr- he raised his hand and slaps me "FUCKING BITCH!" he yells as he starts choking me harder "s-sto-" i started to feel light headed.. i was about to pass out but he stopped choking me and got off of me, i held my throat and started coughing

"you're such a fucking bitch, i should fucking ki- ughhhh" he punched the wall and left

a few hours later

i spent most of the day in the other guest room since the other one is a mess thanks to Danny, like i ain't about to clean it, he made the mess he gonna clean it, crazy ass.. anyway me and Danny haven't spoken for hours.. i sighed as i got up from the bed and locked the door so he can't get in, i'm sleeping in here tonight, i got back into bed and went to sleep

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