Untitled Part 11

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"danny i'm going to the store" i yell as i slam the door shut not waiting for an answer, it's a nice day, hot but nice so i walked there

10 minutes later

i made it to the store, i bought what i needed as i was walking out of the store i seen someone with pink and blonde dreads walk past the store, pump

"hey pump!" i yell after him making him turn around and look at me "jenjen!" he walks towards me

"wassup?" i ask as i smile

"about to hang out with my gang, you finna join?" he smiles

"oh no i can't i have to get back home but is the weekend still okay for me to come over?" i ask remembering we have to make our song

"yeah, i'll see you the weekend then" he smirks then pulled me into a hug

"esssskkkkkeeeetttttit!" he yells after he pulled away making me laugh

"bye dude" i smile then walk away

10 minutes later

i got home, i unlocked the door and seen danny in the kitchen sat at the table with his head in his hands

"baby you okay?" i ask as i walk into the kitchen and put the bags down, i looked at danny and he still got his head in his hands "danny?" i frowned as i walked over to him

"you okay?" i ask again

"am.. i okay?" he asks as he finally looks at me with a frown, he looks different.. the same way he looked when he flips out and hits me.. He has that look in his eyes..

"what's wrong?" i frown

he handed me his phone i took it and seen..

(pretend it's lil pump and jenny, jenny's whoever you want her to be)

(pretend it's lil pump and jenny, jenny's whoever you want her to be)

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Breaking news! 69's girlfriend jenny known as lil J was seen today hugging lil pump, is she cheating on 69 with lil pump?


my jaw drops as i read it, it was just a hug.. i put his phone on the table and sighed, i looked at danny and he's glaring at me "it was just a hug danny.. you know how people be.." i rolled my eyes at the thought of people talking shit

"just.. a hug?" he laughed like a crazy person, i nod "just a fucking hug?!" he raised his voice as he stood up fast making the chair fall back making me take a steep back.. "you're trying to make me look stoopid!" he raises his voice and made a fist, yep he has got the same look in his eyes as he does when he hits me which makes me scared..

"danny i wouldn't cheat on you i swear" i said, he walked closer to me making me back up, i held my hand in front of me trying to stop him coming any closer "d-danny please calm down.." he kept walking closer till my back hit the wall

he put both of his hand either side of my head and loudly sighed as he looked down at me

"when will you ever learn?" he chuckles and shakes his head "danny i didn't ch- "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he yelled as he hit the wall near my head making me flinch and start crying..

"you're such a fucking thot.."

i put my hands on his chest "please calm down"

"calm down?!" he raised his voice "CALM FUCKING DOWN?!" he yells as he hits the wall three times then starts laughing like a crazy person making me cry and cover my face only for my hands to roughly get taken away form my face then he grabbed my face tightly but kept one of his hands on the wall "let me fucking see you cry.."

i cry some more as i look into his eyes.. he doesn't look the same.. He has this crazy look, he started to dig his nails in my face making me grab his hand "i guess i have to show you who you belong to.." he smirks all of a sudden without thinking i kneeled him in his dick making him let me go and bend over to grab his dick now in pain "YOU BITCH!" i ran past him only for my wrist to be grabbed making me turn back around


Danny stood up straight and grabs both of Jennys wrist

She tried getting out of his grip but it was no use "LET ME GO!" she yells, she yells and crys, he backs her up till she hits the counter tops, he let go of one arm and reached behind her, she tried looking at what he was grabbing but she couldn't, just then she heard what sounded like a knife being pulled out of it's holder making her feel even more scared

"danny please stop, you're scaring me" she begs as she cries some more, she's never been this scared of him before.. He has the craziest look in his eyes, there's no look of love, nothing

"you should of thought about that before you started hugging niggas making me look stoopid!" he raised his voice as he brought the knife to her face making her remember the dream i had where he kills her.. So she grabs his wrist with her free hand only for him to headbutt her making her let go of his wrist and grab her head instead now in pain

"stop!" she cries now in pain

She knees him in the dick harder this time making him drop the knife and fall to the floor "AHH FUCKING BITCH!" she ran past him only for him to grab her legs making me fall luckly she used her hands to stop herself from hitting her face

She got back up and ran, almost out of the kitchen but he grabs her from behind with the knife back in his hand making her scream "LET ME GO" he threw her down on the floor making her crawl away only for him to grab her by the legs and turn her around and get on top of her with the knife in his hand

"STOP!" she yells "DANNY P-PLEASE! I LOVE YOU I WOULDN'T CHEAT!" she begs and screams

all of a sudden he raises his fist and punchs her across the face, so hard she thought she had gone deaf, she started to feel dizzy, she seen his fist coming towards her face again and again, he lost control, he couldn't hear her screams, all he kept thinking is how dare she fight back, how dare she disrespect him again

"where should i cut you?" he asks but it sounded like it came from a distance since she was losing consciousness "here?" he moves the knife up and down her cheek making her cry and move her face away "stop.." she said quietly as she closes her eyes tightly and bit her lip trying not to cry anymore

"or here?" he lifts her shirt up and moves the knife up and down on my tummy

"or here?" he started cutting her jeans off "please s-stop.." she said quietly as she had no more energy to fight back

"yeah here's good" she started to feel a pain in her thigh "AHH!" she screams then everything went black

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