Untitled part 32

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I am not pregnant..


I am pregnant.. My eyes widen as I just stare at the stick, how.. Danny used proactson and gave me plan B

"JENNY ARE YOU IGHT UP THERE?" I heard Danny yell from downstairs

"Y-YES I'M FINE" I yell back, now feeling nervous at how Danny will react to me being pregnant..

I put the pregnancy test in the bin before walking out of the bathroom, I take a deep breath before going downstairs, I see Danny standing in the kitchen door way with his arms crosss, shaking his foot, okay?..

I walk up to him "Dann-

"why the fuck did you give me attitude?" he asks angrily

"I didn't?" i say but it came out as a question, confused

"yes the fuck you did, when I asked if you were okay up there, you yelled at me, stoopid!" he glares at me and squints

Is he fr?

"wha- you wouldn't have heard me otherwise" this guy..

"don't get smart with me!" he grabs my wrist tightly

"I-I'm not" I say, my voice shaking, fear coming over me once again

He glares at me before releasing my wrist and laughing "im only joking babe"

I look up at him in shock, that's really messed up..

"why would you do that? That's not funny" I feel a tear run down my cheek, I'm very emotional

"oh don't fucking start wit me" he turns around and walks over to the counter top, looking out the window

Forget it, I pull myself together, taking a deep breath before walking into the kitchen

"Danny I need to talk to you about something.." I say nervously

He turns around and shakes his head at me "you ain't leaving me" he slowly walks over to me

Now only inches away from me "are you?"

I shake my head no

"WORDS JENNY!" he yells making me jump "n-no"


"that's right" he touches my cheek and smirks

"I do n-need to talk to you tho.."

His smirk drops and he puts his hand down

"nah" he walks past me touching shoulders

What the fuck, why won't he talk to me, I'm gonna cry

"why?" I say quietly.. Trying to stop myself from crying

I hear him sigh, he turns back around and walks back over to me "you're pissing me off" he looks me up and down before pulling his hand all the way back and slapping me across the face forcefully, I wasn't even shocked but that was it.. I bust out crying, I just really wanted to tell him I'm pregnant.. he walks away and out of the front door slamming it behind him

I didn't even mean to piss him off..

An hour later

My head hurts from all the crying I did, I sigh as I stand up and walk into the kitchen to get some water, I get a glass from the top cupboard then run the tap water

I down it, I wipe my lips dry before washing my glass and putting it away, I then hear the front door open and slam shut, I then finish washing the rest of the dishes that were just left there.. as I was doing so I feel Danny come up behind me

Danny then grabs my upper arm tightly and turns me around forcefully making me drop the dish by mistake


He raises his fist and punchs me across the face before just walking away, out of the kitchen

Again I'm not even shocked..

"DANNY COME HERE NOW! FUCKING TALK TO ME! YOU CUNT" I yell after him, losing control, regreting it straight away, he stops in his tracks and slowly turns back around to look at me with the most evilest look

"I-I'm sorry, I just need to tel-

He charges towards me stepping all in the broken glass in the process he got shoes on but I wish he didn't, he's just so mean to me sometimes but I love him so I'd probably help him bandage them and shit, he slaps me across the face before wrapping my hair around his hand, my hand reaches up to his hand that's in my hair, trying to get him to loosen his grip but it's no use, it never is, he backs me right up against the counter top, his body pressing against mine

"when the fuck are you gonna learn to respect me jenny?!" he says through clenched teeth, his face only inches away from mine, he then pulls on my hair back harder making me cry out, I hate my hair being pulled

"I-I'm sorry" I cry out

"nah fuck you!" he pulls his fist right back and aims at my tummy

"NO I'M PREGNANT!" I scream and cover my tummy with my other hand, I shut my eyes tightly, in fear

I feel my hair being released and felt him back up, I slowly open my eyes to see him looking at my tummy in shock

"I-I'm so sorry- Jenny i- this is just what we needed" he says in a much happier tone, as he smiles at me, I haven't seen him look this happy in ages.. All of a sudden he pulls me into a tight loving hug

In shock I didn't hug him back straight away but then I give in and hug him back, I felt him stroking the back of my head

I feel something I haven't felt in a long time.. safe.. Maybe this baby will change everything after all, I smile as I play with the ends of his long beautiful hair

He pulls away after a while and I see a tear drop fall "aw dann-

"shh, I just love you so much baby" he smiles, he then gets on his knees and kisses my tummy "and our lil baby" he says making my heart melt

He then asks something that made my heart beat fast, something I never thought he would ask me..

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