Chapter 11 - The Wrong Guy

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David turned and moaned. Steve was standing in front of Bianka's door with his back facing her when Monica came running in. She looked at Steve, "honey are you ok?" she asked  he pointed to Bianka, "I'm fine check on Bianka". Monica walked in the room, and she screamed.

"Bianka....oh my God! Honey...are you could this happen, not to you." She started crying

"Monica dear calm down. Bianka needs you to be strong right now. I need you." Said Steve

Monica noticed that Steve was holding his should and that he was hurt and she quickly pulled it together.

Bianka was crying and unable to move...her ribs were bruised and she was a little disoriented. Her glasses were broken on the floor and she had sustained several blows to the head. Her ribs were black and blue and Monica wasn't sure if they were broken or bruised. She grabbed a blanket and covered her up. Bianka could barely see but she recognized her voice.

"Steve we need to call an ambulance. She needs medical attention right away." Bianka was in coherent.

"It will take the ambulance 30 to 45 minutes to get here with the traffic. I would recommend that you drive her" said the manager

Tristan wanted to knock him in the mouth. "If you had allowed me to come up 20 minutes ago, we could have avoided this"

Monica turned to Tristan and motioned for him to come and he walked over to her. "Hi Tristan" She patted him on the arm. "Tristan sweetie, can you carry Bianka to our car?"

He looked confused...he realized that she had called him by name as well. But he was focused on Bianka and said "yes ma'am."

Bianka's vision was very blurry. David had knocked her glasses off when he hit her. Her right eye was swollen and she had a cut above it. She could barely see out of her left eye. Everything was blurry, She could not make out the faces. When Tristan went to pick her up she jumped and started to cry and say "no". 

Monica rubbed her hair, "honey its ok. This is Tristan Malone our friend. We need to get you to the doctor right away. Steve hurt his shoulder and we need Tristan's help. He is going to pick you up and take you to the truck. We are right here honey. He will not hurt you. I promise." She turned to Tristan and nodded "Be gentle with her Tristan."

"Yes ma'am" he moved towards her again and touched her should and she didn't jump. He didn't want to hurt her so when he picked her up, he laid her head on his  chest. She was trembling really bad. He tried to hold her close and tightly without squeezing to hard. She felt it and she began to relax a little. He could feel the decrease in her anxiety. After a few seconds, the trembling started to subside. His mind was all over the place. He stood there holding her and watching her as he waited for Monica. She was helping Steve.

Before walking out, Steve turned to Mr. Stevens and he said "I want him locked up." Monica had told him that Ms. Lucy said that Tristan had been trying to come up for more than 30 minutes to help her and they would not let him up. "And I want to talk to your general manager tonight, not tomorrow night. You let him know that I will be convening a board meeting within the next two days."

Mr. Stevens got nervous. Steve was on the Condo Association Board of Directors.  

"Yes sir. I will contact him right away." He said nervously

The security guard picked David up. Just as they were getting on the elevator, the police were getting off along with a detective.

They looked at Bianka and asked if she was the victim.

"Yes she is , her attacker is in her apartment #332. We are taking her to Richmond  Medical Center."

"Yes ma'am we will meet you there." Said the officer

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