Pre- preparations

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(Isabelle Pov)

I was awoken by Clars tapping on my shoulders, " You need to get in bed; Princess Jumanné and Lenora decided to stay with us " she stated. "Right, right, I'll go get them" I answered before yawning and getting up of the sofa. I checked the time, and it was around eleven O clock.  As expected, there was a different guard on my balcony. I turned around and walked towards my door brushing the sleep from my tired eyes. Opening the door, slowly, I came face to face with two other guards. I internally leaped to the other side of my room but calmly took a deep breath before acknowledging them. 

I then informed them I was going to the first guest room on the right of my bedroom, and they decided to escort me which was unnecessary. I realized that two persons were also guarding the room that Princess Jumanné and Lenora were staying in. I acknowledged the two guards before tapping lightly on the door. A few seconds passed before the door was opened by Lenora. After greeting her once more, I reminded her of the plan. She then reminded Jumanné who was sitting on the sofa in her night gown, and we had the guards move their belongings to my bedroom. We re-entered my bedroom a few minutes later, where there were now two guards on my balcony, and four at my bedroom door.  We then discussed sleeping arrangements for a short while before getting ready for bed. The last thing I remember is hearing Clars and Lenora chatting on the other bed and clapping once to turn off the light with a sleeping Jumanné beside me. 

(End of Isa's Pov)

The curtains were drawn by Leo and the sunlight pierced through the windows in Princess Isabelle's room. " I was given direct orders to wake the Princesses" he said smiling cheekily. Princess Isabelle and Jumanné woke up and sat in the bed. Princess Isabelle turned to Clara realizing that she was mouthing something to her. " Aren't we excited for the day's proceedings that will lead up to the big event tomorrow?" he asked beaming with excitement. Princess Isabelle sat there wondering what Leo was talking about. She then turned to Clara again and that's when she realized what Clara was trying to tell her. " Oh, uh, of course, Princess Jumanné and I are looking forward to finish planning and finally executing the annual ball" she finished smiling guilty. She was ashamed that she forgot about the ball, firstly, and to make matters worse, she forgot that it was the future Queens' responsibility to finish planning it. 

This tradition symbolized leadership in their Kingdoms. Just like they would have to continue their parents' legacy in being Queens. The Princesses had to showcase their leadership skills by taking over the final preparations for the ball and it was their responsibility that everything ran smoothly. "Well then, I'll leave you to get dressed and you will have breakfast using the smaller outdoor dining table. You will be meeting with the grand council to get your final opinions on the concept for the ball. As for you two, their attires should be ready for the Royal Family's approval by eight tonight. Remember it is a Masquerade ball so they will need a fitting mask to go with the attire.  I'll leave you to get to it. Princesses Isabelle and Jumanné, you are expected to arrive for breakfast in the next hour, thank you" he finished while bowing before exiting the room.

" No pressure" answered Lenora; everyone chuckled. Lenora had drawn the layout of Princess Jumanné's attire, and she had brought all the necessary materials to bring it to life. Clara had also made some sketches and had an idea of how she wanted Isabelle to look. The two designers got up and went in the dressing room to choose an outfit for the Princesses to wear throughout the day. It had to be something comfortable as they would be doing a lot of walking and work so changing would be entirely out of the question. Clara settled on a casual pink and white Bouffant dress with white ballet flats and a silver tiara while Princess Isabelle took her bath. She had informed Señor Kenny that his services were no longer needed by Isabelle for the time being. 

After Princess Isabelle emerged from the bathroom, Princess Jumanné went to take her bath. Lenora took the time to pick out a Baby blue sundress with white flat boots and a golden tiara. Princess Isabelle got dressed and was now sitting patiently as Clara did her hair up in a ponytail. Princess Jumanné came out of the bathroom and got dressed. Soon after her hair was braided in two and they had a couple minutes to spare. " Well, you're all set. I can only imagine the amount of work that the two of you have to do" said Clara with genuine care. "If only we could help", finished Lenora. "There might be a way that you can", answered Princess Isabelle smiling at Jumanné. Princess Jumanné returned the smile as they were thinking along the same lines. "If we appoint the two of you as our assistance, you could assist with the planning of the Masquerade ball ", she stated. "I agree, but only if you're up for it", said Princess Isabelle turning towards Clara and Lenora.

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