Sacrifice for love.

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"Even in death don't cry for me, I'm better now, I'm with people I have lost while I was alive. Don't cry for me, for we will see one another again one day. Don't cry in pain but for happiness. This is not the last you will hear from Y/n Donavan, You can't get rid of me that easily." Klaus read as he looked at the letter his once called girlfriend wrote.

( A few weeks earlier) 

The darkness has taken over hope. Even though she has fought it the best she could. So Klaus took the darkness for his daughter. Due to him taking it he couldn't see his daughter grow up. It broke His heart. He wanted to see his daughter grow into the young lady she was today, but due to the darkness he could not. "Klaus I have a way to get the darkness out of you." Y/n said as she looked at the hybrid. "How and lets do it now!" Klaus demanded. "So I have the spell. You have to take the darkness out then put it into something then kill it." Y/n said but she had not said what the real thing was gonna happen. Y/n was going to take the darkness upon herself then die. But since she is the anchor she will come back. "Lets do it." Klaus said as he grabbed his jacket to go out side to do the spell. 

Y/n started to chant in Latin. Klaus felt the darkness coming out of him. After a few minutes of him screaming he got knocked out from the impacted. 

( Klaus POV ) 

I woke up with a letter in my hand. It was addressed to me from Y/n I could tell by her beautiful hand writing. 

"Klaus, By the time your reading this I will be dead. But the thing is not all things that are dead will stay dead.. Not in your family. I took the darkness so you can see your daughter grow. She has missed you dearly. But I wanted to say for you not to wait I will be back maybe not soon, but I promise I will be back. I have things to deal with over here on the other side. Due to being the anchor I can always see you and when you need me you will see me. You can never get rid of me too easily not in a million years, But don't you dare cry for me. I am with people who I cared about who have died. I will be back sooner or later. - always and forever with love, Y/n." 

Klaus read the letter with tears going down his face. He looked up because he heard foot steps. "Daddy?" A little voice called out from behind the door. "Hope." Klaus called out. "Come here love." Klaus said as he opened his arms for the little girl.  Hope ran to her father and hugged him. " I love you dear. Always and forever." Klaus whispered. " Always and forever." He said to himself. 


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