FIVE-Deployment strikes again

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The alarm sounded early in the morning and we grabbed our gear and ran down to the field.The commander and a few other officers were there.We we with the rest of the base.

"Today, we will storm a beach that has long been in enemy hands,"the commander announced

"This battle has been made easier because Task Force 501 has destroyed their heavy cannons,"he said.

"Your mission is to take over the beach and eliminate every single hostile,are you clear,"he asked.

"YES SIR,"we all shouted and headed to our gunships.The heavy transports are here.

"Great we will have tanks on the battlefield,"Zach said.Tanks on the battlefield?That's good.We all were in the same gunship this time.I saw Natasha not too excited or happy about this like all of us,in fact she is just....sad.I guess it's because of her brother and we are going back there again.Our gunship dropped us at the beach and the scene was a total chaos.We made it in one piece to cover and try taking down a few enemies.Then the tanks arrived and the tide of the battle has changed,so was the scene.We were finally able to move up but the scene just got more chaotic.

The tanks were really taking a beating so I told Charles to get sniping.He took out a number of enemies and saved the tanks for a bit of beating because the enemies he took out were armed with rocket launchers and we won't be seeing any guys with rockets on the enemy side thanks to Charles.We pressed on but soon,came into another difficulty.The stationary guns are getting us pinned down.We tried shooting back at them but it dosen't work, their front armour is too strong for regular rifles.This time Zach solved the problem with is grenade launcher and we pushed on.Halfway through,Zach got shot and we had to cover him while Malinda gives him medical aid.

We finally made it through and taken the base.Victory is ours.We made our way back to the landing zone for extraction.We reached the base and what we all did was get undressed and rushed to the shower.(Of course the boys and girls are separated)

Wow,two days later,we were deployed again.This time we are suppose to blow up and enemy airbase and retrieve enemy intel before blowing it up.Our gunship dropped us a few kilometre away from the airbase.We reached the airbase and Charles was assigned to take out the guards.After taking out the guards,the alarm started to wail loudly.This can only mean one thing,WE ARE SPOTTED!!!The next moment we could hear the sound of guns shooting at us.We made a dash to cover and finally made it to where it was safe.We had to clear the perimeter so Charles and I were on the sniper rifles and started taking them out one by one.When the coast was finally clear,we infiltrated the base.The sight of the new stealth star fighters was and amazing yet horrible sight.We went to main control tower and retrieved the Intel we needed.We then spread ourselves into groups of 2.Group 1 is Ashley and Me.Group 2 is Zach and Natasha.Group 3 is Peter and Malinda.

Group 4 is Charles and James.Group 1 which is my group went and set explosives at the hangars.Group 2 set explosives at the barracks.Group 3 set explosives at the control tower and computer rooms.Group 4 set explosives at the armoury.We got back on to our Gunship and flew to a safe distance before detonating the explosives.Halfway through our flight our gunship was shot down and the pilots were the only ones that didn't make it.Malinda,Charles,Peter and Zach had serious injuries.I called for a backup gunship.Before the gunship came,the rest of us were caught in a firefight.The enemy must be very pissed for us to destroy their airbase.The gunship came and helped us cleared out the rest of the enemies and loaded the injured on to it.During the firefight,Natasha was shot a few times but that's not what worries me the most.What worries me the most is the anti-infantry rounds that hit Ashley.She was hit by 8-9 shots and she was still alive but she won't be if nothing was done.The paramedics helped to stop the bleeding and the rest was done in the hospital.She was unconscious for 3 days and finally woke up on the fourth day in her hospital stay.The doctor say that she won't be able to go back to the front line for about a month.After examination,Natasha was found being shot by poison bullets but they can be cured easily but she needs to stay in the hospital for also about a month.The rest all had to stay in the hospital for a amount of time and the only ones that did not have to stay in the hospital was only James and I.I appointed James a one mint leave for him to go back and care for his parents.I stayed beside Ashley for the rest of her hospital stay.

After when the rest were all discharged from the hospital and James came back, we are back to business.

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