SIX-Training and more training

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We have target practise today.The targets were moving so fast that even Charles,the 'legendary' sharpshooter cannot get a hit on all of em.Suddenly out of somewhere in my mind, I remembered Malinda's face when Charles just joined the force.

"Hey Charles, I would like to ask you something,"I told Charles.

"Ok,what is it,"Charles asked.

"Do you like Malinda,"I asked.

"Actually there is no point of denying,the answer is yes,"he answered.

"Dude your one lucky guy,she has the same feelings for you,"I told him.

"How do you know,"he asked as if I'm lying to him.

"When you first came,she had the love at first sight expression on her face,that means she likes you and you should tell her how you fell about her,"I explained to him.

"I will tell her,"he said while smiling.

After that was star fighter training.Ad usual all our star fighters stayed at least 1km away from his.We don't want to be knocked into by his star fighter.he somehow managed to land safely but his flight instructor vomited as usual.

After that we had HELO jump training.

Ashley and Natasha went a jump out of the area and a search mission has to be carried out.After the HELO jump, we had a control of the stationary guns on the gunships.It was very fun but I kinda over shot the targets and they are just wooden dust.Hey at least I did not be like Peter,Ashley or Natasha who had to be avoided or to be looked for.It was one very tiring day and Ashley and I went out for dinner together and we saw some familiar faces today.Charles really did it, he confessed to her and they are now going on a date.

The next day,even more training but the first one was fun.We had to race our APCs with each other to see who wins.Winner gets to decide the punishment for the last person.My team came in second.Charles and Malinda came in third.James and Peter came in last.Zach and Natasha forced them to was the base toilets for a week.They don't really have to do anything because the base toilet is very clean at all times.Second one was Search and Rescue.Ashley,Natasha and Malinda were placed in a forest and we have to find them without using our com links.

We search for about 30 minutes before I spotted Ashley and then the others.

It was one very tiring day.Ashley and I went out for dinner together.We saw some familiar faces.They were Charles and Malinda and there alone.Wow,Charles actually confessed to her,nice one man.The next day we had a camouflaging training with the sniper group.They were good but we are better.After that,we practiced star fighter combat again, but in the simulators.It was kinda like a game, I shot down Peter and Malinda.The simulator was fun and that was the end of our training for the day.

Today we had no training which was kinda weird but it was just a lie and we had to do formation flying in star fighters.It was literally so bad that Peter was just right beside me.The while flight was horrible,I was always in fear that Peter will crash into me.The next training involved air refuelling.This one is hard, we had to connect our fuelling point to the pipe on the frigate.Peter nearly crashed into the frigate but he managed to do it.I was doing it with sweaty hands because one wrong move can kill myself and the frigate crew.At last I managed to get my star fighter's fuelling point connected to the frigate's pipe.The rest of the team did the exercise swiftly.Next we had a exercise that we must fly the style the instructor tells us to fly.Peter got the easiest,fly strait and dive.Ashley got the hardest,fly zigzag and then do a barrel roll, after that dive and pull up at 30ft.She was a great pilot.Mine was that I had to do a barrel roll and dive to 40ft before pulling up.

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