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We were called to the hangars this morning.The instructor says that we are gonna be given flight training after our performances in that huge battle.We were all very excited,well not all of us.Peter was not very excited because he knows he is bad at flying.

We all hoped that this will turn Peter into a professional pilot.We are not hoping for him but hoping that this could save our lives.You may not know why.Well, let me tell you.We have to fly in formation and Peter has a high chance of mid-air collision with any one of us.That will result in our deaths.

"Today you will be flying the YF-22 star fighters,"the instructor told us.

YF-22s,this is gonna be fun.These star fighters can accelerate up to speeds of 1300km per hour and that is sickly fast.Their main weapons are totally fit for the job.Twin heavy turbo laser cannons and a dual proton torpedo launcher.

"Any questions,"the instructor asked.

"No sir,"we replied.

"Good,now get into your star fighters,"he continued

We went in and started the engines of this machines.We took off one by one as we did not want any collisions.Today is our lucky day,we did not have to fly in formation because we are engaging a bunch of target drones.We have been warned that they are cunning and may make us shoot at each other so we must check where we are shooting.

"Ok squad,pick your targets,"Ashley commanded.

Oh yea,Ashley's in command up here and Natasha is second in command.I managed to chase after one but not having a clear shot and whenever I get it in my sights,one of my squadmate's star fighter will appear and be in my targeting area.They are hard to hit and needs a lot of hits to take down one .

After many hours we finally finished the last of em.Actually it's just one and a half hour,I was just exaggerating.We went and see our scores.Here are the scores.

Ashley:seven kills

Natasha:five kills

Me:three kills

Peter:four kills(impressive)

Zach:two kills

Charles:two assisted kills(that's bad)

James:None(even worst)

Malinda:one kill(acceptable)

The next training we had was onboard gunner.We had to sit in a shuttle's gun pod and shoot down any threat that we encounter.That was just part of it,the actual part is that we have to get a heavy frigate past a lot of drones and they can kill us.

To make matters worst,the instructor says that this frigate will be our team transport if we are going to any other places that was not a battlefield hot zone.Ashley and Natasha are at the controls(they are the best two pilots in the squad).Zach,Peter,James and Charles were at the turrets.Malinda was at the com-link.I was at the bridge,sitting in the radar observer's seat.We took of for our flight to Xandium,a planet that is not far away from earth."We are clear to warp,"Ashley said.

We went strait into a warp tunnel.Before we knew it,we came out of the warp tunnel and approached Xandium.

"This is Frigate 2348, approaching Xandium at 150knots,over,"Malinda said through the com-link.All ships must ask for clearance before entering Xandium because it is fortified by an armada of ships and heavy AA cannons on the planet's surface.We landed at the airbase and the inspector was glad to see that our ship was in one piece because the route between Earth and Xandium is usually filled with Dronian forces.

"Ok,that was a safe flight right,now you must transport a precious cargo,"the instructor said.

"Ok,what is that,"I asked.

"Portable Heavy Cannons,"he answered.

Great we are sending weapons back to earth.We took off and we headed back to earth.When we were going to warp,my radar suddenly started blocking rapidly.We are under attack by Dronian forces.

"All right boys,fighters coming in hot,12 of them,"I said.

The turrets were blazing and the blinking dots became lesser.The blinking dots finally vanished but that was not the end.

"Cruiser, coming in,"I said.

"What,"Charles exclaimed.

"Don't worry, we have proton torpedoes,"Ashley said.

"Torpedoes away,"Natasha said

The blinking dot went out and we are clear for warp.We reached earth and headed back to base.It was already night time so that is the end of that day's training.

We went to the barracks and took a shower and went out for dinner.On the way out of the airbase,we saw a cruiser landing and we all had the same thought of the same thing,why is it here.

The next day,we found out why the cruiser was there.It was for learning how to dock our ship on our cruiser and infiltrate it.This is a stolen Dorian cruiser.We geared up and went on to our ship.The cruiser is near the Earth's atmosphere.we landed our ship at its docking bay.We infiltrated the cruiser and were ambushed by the security turrets.

"Blast them,"I ordered.

We were pinned down by those security turrets but we managed to take them out one by one.We went to the bridge and more security turrets were there.We finally managed to take them out and get to the control panels.The instructor managed to fly this thing by using the auto pilot that they had hacked into but cannot disable the security system.They were no Dorian forces because this ship has no life forms on it except for us.We managed to shut down the security and retrieved the enemy intel.We also set the cruiser for a collision course on the Dorian shipyard somewhere near Jupiter.

"I really wanna see their face when the cruiser hits the shipyard,"I said.

We got back to our ship and flew back to Earth before it warp for Jupiter.That was the days only training.

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