Chapter 7

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I tried to investigate myself since I was just following Connor, suddenly I found some type of magazine about 'Eden Club' I didn't like the idea of us... androids being used as objects, in the Eden Club they were used for... pleasure... I didn't like the idea of that... and Emma experienced it...

" (Y/N), did you find something? " Connor suddenly said, suprising me a bit which made me jump a bit.

"Oh, Connor... you suprised me a bit."

"I'm sorry, I'll make sure that doesn't happen again."

"It's alright, I didn't anything just this... thing..." I putted it back on the table and walked away from Connor, kind of felt bad for just leaving him there, but again he was determinated to stay as a machine, or well that's what I think.

"Lieutenant, (Y/N) I think I've figured out what happened"

"Oh yeah? Shoot. We are all ears..." 

"It all started... in the kitchen... I think the victim attacked the android with the bat."

"Go on..."

"So the android stabbed the victim."

"So it was just defending it self... " I suddenly said

"Okay then... what happened next?" Hank said

"The victim fled to living room, and he tried to get away from the android."

"Alright...that makes sence."

"The android killed the victim with the knife."

"Ok, you're theory's not totally ridiculous, but it doesn't tell us where the android went."

"It was damaged by the bat and lost some Thirium." Blue blood... so, it has to near here right? I hope it isn't I'm just hoping it escaped...

"Lost some what?"

"Thirium, you call it Blue Blood, it's the fluid that powers the androids' bicomponents. It evaporates after a few hours and becomes invisible to the naked eye."

"Oh. But I bet you can still see it, can't you?


"Well what are we waiting for? Lead the way Connor" He nodded in response and started walking, I followed him. He suddenly stopped looked up, I was confused.

"What's wrong Connor?"

"There was a ladder, and look, it seems like an attic..." 

I looked up to see a handle that was from an attic for sure. How could we get up the- IDEA!

"Wait here!"

I went back to the kitchen and grabbed a chair a brought it back to the place where Connor was waiting for me patiently.

"Good thinking (Y/N)" Connor said.

"Thank you! Could you give me a hand please?"

"I'm sorry but I must go first, for your safety..."  was... was he worried about me? WAS HE FEELING SOMETHING? No (Y/N), don't over react, he is just probably thinking about his mission to... I do not know... but doesn't actually care...right? 


I stood there waiting for Connor to get up. Suddenly Connor gave me a sign to get up, I actually appreciated that he just didn't left me there. He helped me get up and gave me a sign to be quiet, I nodded. We were trying to be as quiet as we could, if actually the deviant was here we would not want it to escap- wait... what am I thinking... I wanted this job to HELP deviants not hunt them down... when I realized that it was already too late I was here in the attic with Connor... no turning back now... suddenly Connor put his arm infront of me, a signal of caution. When he removed a curtain we had the dissappointment of just being a manikin, still Connor was determinated to find this deviant and was sure it was here. Suddenly there it was... the deviant, he looked like he was abused and still had the dry blood on his face.

"I was just defending myself... He was gonna kill me... I'm begging you... Don't tell them..."

I felt so bad for this android... he was just defending himself... before I got the opportunity to speak up, Hank exclaimed.

"Connor, (Y/N) what the fuck is going on up there."

I looked at Connor... waiting for his answer, hoping he would say nothing.

"It's here, Lieutenant!" those words made my 'heart' shatter when I had a bit of hope, of Connor having emotions, it all came down... 'he just cares about his mission...'

 -Time Skip-

We were on the interogation room I was leaning on the wall. With Hank inside the interogation room with the deviant, Connor and who other than Gavin Reed... 

"What happened when you took that knife? The deviant was silent... looking down.

"How long were ya in the attic?" 

"Why didn't you try running away?" Hank snapped his fingers infron of the deviant's face.

Suddenly Hank slammed his hands making a big bang. It even cought me off guard.

"SAY SOMETHING GOD DAMMIT!" still with that being done... the deviant still didn't move or said anything. Hank stood up.

"Fuck it, I'm outta here..." he said as he left the interogation room. Leaving the deviant alone.

"We're wasting our time interogating a machine, we're gettin' nothing out of it!"

" 'Could always try roughing it up a little" Gaving suddenly said "After all... it's not human." 

"Androids don't feel pain. You would only damage it, and that would not make it talk." Connor suddenly said.  "Deviants also have a tendacy to self-destruct when they're in stressful situations." 

Well... good to know, now I don't have to be stressed unless I wanna die.

"Okay smartass. What should we do then?" Gavin said.

"Leave him alone Gavin..." I said.

"And what are you going to do about it , huh cutie? What if I don't?" He stood infront straight trying to intimidate me. Suddenly I slapped him, not to hard to break his face but enough to make him bleed a bit.

"Next time it will be worse." I said with an innocent smile.

"You bit-"

"Enough you two" Hank suddenly said.

"I am sorry..."  I realized Connor was staring at me, his beautiful brown eyes, dammit he was too cute, I knew if I blushed I was gonna give it away... then the smile came....

I felt my system heating up and smiled quickly before looking away

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I felt my system heating up and smiled quickly before looking away...

"I could try questioning it."

Suddenly Gavin bursted out laughing I just stared at him... 

"I don't think it's a bad idea" I said smiling at Connor "Go ahead..."

(WOOOO 2 chapters in like 3 hours... WITH 1000 WORDS WOOOOOO well I have nothing to say!

Hope you enjoyed!)

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