Chapter 15

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(A/N: Alright... before we start... 62 VIEWS?!?! WHAT THE FUC- I HAVE NO WORDS TO EXPLAIN HOW THANKFUL I AM. Alright no one cares about this part so let's just start ;-;)

We were in an elevator, Connor, Hank and I. While we were waiting I was staring at Connor doing his  his coin tricks. 'How the frick does that work? Damn physics make no scence...' Suddenly, Hank speaks up grabbing Connor's coin.

"You're starting to piss me off with that coin, Connor." Hank said with a pissed tone.

"Sorry, Lieutenant." Connor apologized, hank then sighed and the doors opened. The elevator's doors opened with a robotic voice '79th floor'. It was a hallway filled with police officers. Hank got out first, Connor and I then followed. A police officer greeted.

"Hi, Hank." Hank didn't say hi or hello back.

"Shit, what's going on here? There was a party and one told me about it?" Hank joked.

"Yeah, it's all over the news, so everyone's butting their nose in... Even the FBI wants a piece of the action..." The officer answered.

"Ah Christ, now we got the Feds on our back... I knew this was going to be a shitty day... So what do we got?" 

"A gorup of four androids..." They started talking and walking, Connor and I followed behind them. "They knew the building, and they were very well organized... I'm still trying to figure out how they got this far withouth being noticed..." While in the back ground it was heard... 'You checked the roof?' ' Not yet... there's so much to look at.' 

"They attacked two guards in the hallway... They probably thought the androids were coming for maintenance. They got taken down before they could react..." Wait... they killed them? Well that's a bad example of deviants... oh wait... he's not, GOOD. "One of the station employees managed to get away. He's in shock, not sure we'll be able to talk to him..." 

"How many people were working here?" Hank asked

"Just two employees and three androids. The deviants took the humans hostage and broadcast their message live. They made their getaway from the roof."

"The roof?" 

"Yeah, they jumped with parachutes... We're still trying to figure out where they landed, but the weather's not helping... If you want to take a look at the video broadcast by the deviants, it's on the screen over there." 

We then walked to a room which had a big screen that showed an android with no skin. 

"Oh Lieutenant, Detective, this is Special Agent Perkins from the FBI. Lieutenant Anderson and Detective (L/N) are in charge of investigating for the Detroit Police" Perkins looked at both of us and then looked at Connor.

"What's that?" Perkins asked, rude. 

"My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by CyberLife." Connor answered calmly. Then a small chuckle left Perkin's mouth for a second.

"Androids investigating androids, huh? Both of you are sure that you want an android hanging around?.. After everything that happened... Whatever, the FBI will take over the investigation, both of you soon will be off the case." Perkins said kind of in a annoyed tone.

"Pleasure meeting you. Have a nice day." Hank said as he started walking away, but Perkins interruped him.

"And you watch your step. Don't fuck up my crime scene." Perkins then walked away. I need said in a very low voice, but high enough for Hank to hear me.

"Asshole..." Hank chuckled a bit in my comment, I guessed because he never heard me swear.

"What a fuckin' prick as well..." Hank said. 

"I'll be nearby. If any of you need anything, just ask." The officer said as he walked away. 

"Uh, let's have a look around. Let me know if any of you find anything." I nodded in response.

"Ok, Lieutenant." Connor asnwered, Hank then walked off.

I stared for a second or two to the android with no skin. I then played the video. The android with no skin then started talking.

"We ask that you recognize our dignity, our hopes and our rights. Together we can live in peace and build a better future for humans and androids. This message is the hope of a people. You gave us life. And now is time that for you to give us freedom." I then noticed that Connor and Hank were there as well.

"Do you think that's rA9?" Hank asked.

"Deviants say that rA9 will set them free. This android seems to have that objective." Connor said, he then seemed to analyze it.

"I idetified it's model and it's serial number..." 

"Anything else we should know?" I said as I turned around. 

"No. Nothing." Hank looked at him for a bit but then walked off. Something seemed a bit off but I didn't mind. I then walked to a wall that seemed to had been shoot, next to it there was blue blood.

"Hey, Connor. Can you come here?" I said, Connor went up to me.

"Yes, (Y/N)?" 

"Can you analyze this blue blood? It seems like the android was shoot. He then nodded and did his thing, I didn't mind.

"A PL-600 model. He was reported missing about two years ago. It's also fresh."

"Well... maybe it's still here.." Connor thought for a bit making his LED go yellow.

"The cameras." He said, he then walked to the fotage of the security cameras, I followed him. We then found out that they didn't break in.

"They didn't break in?" Connor asked the officer.

"No, no sign of forced entry." 

"There are cameras in the hallway. The staff would of seen what was happening. Why did they let them in?" 

"Maybe they didn't check the cameras..." Hank said.

"Or they were deviants..." I said, it was probably true because no human would of allowed that.

"We stored the station androids in the kitchen. There's no evidence that they were involved but we didn't know what else to do with them." The officer said. 

"I'll go question them." I said walking to the kitchen. Suddenly I felt a hand over my shoulder, I turned around to meet Connor's brown eyes, I have him a confused look.

"I should probably question them, (Y/N). It's more safe." I smiled a bit on his comment. 

"Well, just be careful." I said and then walked away from there.

(Time skip)

A minute passed and I started to get worried, one of the androids had left the room which made it a bit suspicious, I couldn't take it anymore so I entered the room what I saw froze me. I saw Connor on the floor like he was... dying. I reached to him as fast as I could. I saw that he was shutting in... 20 SECONDS?! I desperately I looked around the room to see his "heart" and grabbed it as quick as I could and putted it back in place.

"The deviant is getting away!" Connor said as he got up. He ran to a hallway which had Hank and other investigators and police.

"It's a deviant! STOP IT!" Connor said, as soon as the android heard Connor's voice he grabbed a gun from a cop next to him. Connor quickly reacted and grabbed a cop's gun and shot him multiple times.

"Nice shot, Connor" Hank said.

"I wanted it alive..." Connor said with a dissapointed tone.

"You saved... human lives... You saved my life." Hank said with an appreciation tone. 

(WOOO IT'S 3 AM...again... wtf is wrong with me)

(Hope you enjoyed!)

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