Chapter 12

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(Alright for the people that didn't read the "fill chapter" (Y/N) and Connor basically spent the night together, they cuddled and (Y/N) kissed Connor's cheek, I loved it :3, alright back to the story!)

We first arrived at Jimmy's Bar but were suprised not to see him there. We then decided to get on taxi and went to Hank's house, I wondered how it was, after 5 minutes we arrived, Connor got out first then I did, as we left the taxi a robotic voice from the car spoke.

"You have reached your destination. Thank you for traveling with Detroit Taxi. We look forward to seeing you again soon." Then the taxi left, we both started looking around the house suddenly Connor spoke up.

"We should get you inside. Or otherwise you will get sick." I always wonder 'does he really worry? or is it just part of his program?'. I then nodded, we then walked up to the door and Connor knocked.

"Lieutenant Anderson" We got no answer, Connor decided to ring the bell. "Anybody home?" he said. We both looked at each other for a second, I was worried, did something happend? Connor then ringed again but longer, still no response. We then started walking around and I followed, we both found a window that showed Hank laying on the floor. I quickly scanned him, he was unconsious, at least he wasn't dead.

"Lieutenant Anderson?" Connor said, he then broke the window.

"Wait what are you doing? Are we going just break in to his house?" I said, I really didn't want to go to android jail. Wait not even jail, be disactivated.

"What other choice do we have?" He said as he backed up a bit.

"Oh boy..." He then ran a bit and jumped, I poked my head inside to see him laying in the floor as a dog walked to him.

"Argh!... Easy!... Sumo" Connor putted his hand up. "I'm your friend, see? I know your name. I'm here to save your owner." Sumo then went to his food bowl and ate from it, while I was still outside trying my hardest not to laugh, making me chuckle a bit. Connor didn't ask as he helped me get inside.

"Thank you" He then nodded in response. We both walked up to Hank. It seemed like we both analyzed him. And there was a gun too... was he going to commit sucide?

"Lieutenant?" I then started shacking him gently as Connor slightly and gently slapped him, a growl was heard in annoyance. "Wake up, Lieutenant!" Hank opened his eyes for a bit before shutting them. Suddenly Connor slapped him, making me chuckle. "It's us, Connor and (Y/N)!" Hank still didn't woke up. "Help me get him up." I then nodded as we grabbed him. "We are going to sober you for your own safety.

"Hey!... Leave me alone you fuckin' androids!" He said... androids not just android because of Connor, because of me as well... Did he knew? My eyes opened wide.

" Lieutenant, (Y/N) is not an android. I have to warn you this may be unpleasant

"Get the fuck out of my house!"

"I'm sorry Lieutenant, but we need you" (A/N: Alright sorry for this interruption but am I the only one who is a dirty minded person and misunderstood this? Am I really the only one? ;-; K back to story) Connor said as we got him stand on his feet.

"Thank you in advance for your cooperation" We then started walking.

"Hey! Get the fuck outta here!" He then putted his head in my shoulder, we both lifted him up. He growled in annoyance.

"Sumo! Attack!" he just barked "Good dog. Attack!" no bark was heard which made me giggle a bit.

"Can you open the door (Y/N), please?" I nodded in response as I removed Hank's arm that was around my neck, I quickly opened the door and stayed a side so Connor and Hank could walked to the bathroom.

"Fuck, I think I'm going to be sick..." Hank said as Connor lifted him up. "Ah, leave me alone you assholes! I'm not going anywhere..." He said as he putted his hand in the wall, I quickly removed it so Connor could continue to drag him. Connor then sitted Hank down in the tub.

"What the hell are you doing?" Hank said. " I don't want a bath, thank you..."

"Sorry, Lieutenant" Connor then pushed him back to the tub gently making sure not to hurt him. "It's for your own good." after finishing his sentece, Connor turned on the shower. Hank then started screaming.

"TURN IT OFF! TURN IT OFF!" Connor looked at him like it was totally normal, he then procceded to turn it off. Hank then panted. "What the fuck are you two doing here?" he said as he looked at both us.

"A homicide was reported 43 minutes ago. We couldn't find you at Jimmy's bar, so we came to see if you were at home." Connor said.

"Jesus, I must be the only cop in the world that gets assaulted in his own house by his own fuckin' android and her girlfriend." Hank then sighed. AND WAIT. 'HIS GIRLFRIEND' WHAT THE FRICK, oooh... right I told him I liked him. Frick. "Can't you two leave me alone?"

"You seem to have personal issues. You should consult a professional who can help you." Connor said.

"Beat it! You hear me?! Get the fuck outta here!" Hank said as he got up to his feet again but quickly steembled back but quick Connor grabbed him and placed him on the tub gently. There was silence for a bit before Connor brok

"I understand. It probably wasn't even intresting anyway..." He said as he turned around and winked at me. Wait what? OHHH teasing... then I nodded.

"A man found in a sex club downtown. Guess they'll have to solve the case without us..." We then started walking to the exit of the bathroom before Hank spoke.

"You know, probably wouldn't do me any harm to get some air..." We need turned around and I smiled a bit. "There's some clothes in the bedroom there."

"I'll go get them." Connor said and then walked to the bedroom.

"Hank, why did you say... android and his girlfriend..?" I asked

"You know exactly why." I then rolled my eyes and smiled and walked to the living room. I heard Hank throwing up and Connor walking, I then was on my knees next to Sumo, Connor then was on my side I petted Sumo and Connor just watched, I then grabbed his hand and putted it Sumo's head, he then started petting him, I smiled a bit. Connor then stood up and walked around grabbing stuff. I then stood up as well.

I then found a photo of a child, I analyzed him and he was... Hank's son...poor Hank, everything makes sense now, well most of it. I then showed the photo to Connor with a consern look, he then grabbed the gun that was in the floor. He decided not to ask anything about it, it was probably for the best. Hank then arrived and we both looked at him. Connor smiled a bit, then Sumo arrived.

"Be a good dog, Sumo. I won't be long." We then followed Hank to his car.

(A/N: WOOOO It's almost 2 am and I finished.

Hope you enjoyed!)

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