Chapter 18

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(A/N: Alright by the time I'm writing this aka 4 am, this has... 75 VIEWS?! DUDE I NEVER EXPECTED IT TO GROW, LAST CHAPTER IT HAD 72 I EXPECTED THIS TO ONLY HAVE LIKE 10 VIEWS BUT 75?! THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS- alright no one cares for the author's note let's just get into the story ;-;)

We arrived at the office just to get greeted by Fowler.

"Hank, (Y/N), get to my office. Now!" 

"Well that's a way to get greeted..." I said. We then walked over to Fowler's office. I saw Connor's LED become yellow meaning he was making a report.

"Hank, (Y/N). You're off the case. The FBI is taking over." Then Connor's LED went back to blue.

"What?" Hank and I said at the same time

"But were onto something!" Hank said, his tone getting a bit angry

"Captain, I asure if you, if you just give us more time we will so-" my words were interrupted.

"(Y/N), Hank, you don't get it. This isn't just another investigation, it's a fucking civil war! It's out of hands now... We're talking about national security here."

"Fuck that! You just can't pull the plug now. Not when we're so close!" Hank said getting angrier by the second.

"You're always saying you can't stand androids! Jesus, Hank, make up your mind! I thought you'd be happy about this!"

"We're about to crack the case!.. I know we can solve it! For God sake, Jeffrey, can't you back me up this one time?" 

"There's nothing I can do. You two are back on homicide and the android returns to CyberLife." those words made my heart break, not now, not now that he is deviant, not now that... we can be free. 

"I'm sorry for both of you, but it's over." I wanted to punch him, I wanted to scream, to beg him not to return Connor. I wanted him to live. I was first to get out of Folwer's office. I was just so pissed off with this world. I went over to Hank's desk and lead on the wall (A/N: remember that other chapter?) and closed my eyes, burried on my thoughts, I then heard Hank's steps and th sitting down. Connor then sat down on the table.

"We can't just give up like that. I know we could have solved this case!.. "

"So you're going back to CyberLife?" Hank said facing him.

"I have no choice... I'll be deactivated and analyzed why I failed..." I just wanted to erase those words. The image of Connor being desactivated and... just... it's terrifying.

"What if we're on the wrong side, Connor? What if we're fighting against people who just want to be free?.. Take (Y/N) as an example. Why did you become deviant, (Y/N)?" 

"Well... Connor knows that story but you don't so. (A/N: (Y/N) is referring when she shared memories when she was dying) I was abused by this man called Zach and just one day snapped, I just hated the thought of him... killing me, it's kind of like Ortiz's android." 

"(Y/N) is different, but when the deviant rise up, there will be caos. We could have stopped it!.. But now it's too late..." 

"When you refused to kill (Y/N) back at Kamski's place... You put yourself in her shoes. You showed empathy, Connor. Empathy is a human emotion." He thought for a bit.

"I don't know why I did it... I know it hasn't always been easy... but I want both of you to know that I really appreciate working with both of you... That's not just my Social Relations program talking. I -I really mean that. At least, I think I do..." I chuckled a bit.

"Well, well, here come Perkins, that motherfucker... Sure doesn't waste any time at the FBI..."

"We can't give up, I know the answer is in the evidence we collected. If Perkins takes it, it's all over"

"There's no choice! You heard Fowler, we're off the case." Then Connor stood up.

"You've got to help me, Lieutenant. I need more time so I can find a lead in the evidence we collected. I know the solution is in there!"

"Listen, Connor..."

"If I don't solve this case, CyberLife will destroy me. Five minutes." Hank looked at me, I gave him a please face. "It's all I ask" Hank thought for a bit before letting out a sigh as he stood from his chair. 

"The key to the basement is on my desk... Get a move on! I can't distract them forever, (Y/N), go with Connor." I nodded.

Connor then grabbed the key to the basement, then Hank's voice was heard in the background.

"Perkins! You fucking cocksucker!" I chuckled as I walked. We then opened the door to a small hallway with only a door. Before we had the chance to open it. Fricking Gavin appered.

"Hey, Connor, (Y/N)! I'm talking to you assholes!" Connor then grabbed my arm and dragged me to the room which had a downstairs.

We then hurried downstairs and Connor used the key, Connor then putted his hand on the table making his hand go white.

"Hank's password... What would a hard-boiled eccentric police lieutenant choose?.." An idea popped into my mind.

"Fuckingpassword!" Connor and I said at the same time, and to our suprise it was correct. I smiled a bit.

"Obviously." The door opened revealing 3 android bodies. "Where is Jericho... The answer is here somewhere."

Connor then grabbed a tablet that showed Ortiz's android saying: 'the truth is inside' I then looked at the statue. I grabbed it and handed it to Connor, he shaked it and something inside was heard, he then broke it to reveal a paper. 

"We have to probe is memory." Connor then went to a blonde haired android and grabbed it's bicomponent. He then placed it on the android that Connor had killed.

"It's dark. Where- Where am I?" 

"I'm a deviant... like you. I need your help. I want to go to Jericho." Connor said.

"I don't... recognize your voice... You're not one of us... I'll never tell you where Jericho is!" 

Connor then sighed and looked to me.

"Fine." I then walked over to the android.

"Who's there?" 

"Please I need you're help, I going to Jericho but... I don't know where it is, if you help me I can bring you with me, just please help me!" I tried me best trying to lie.

"R-Really? The location of Jericho. Yes, yes of course." I then grabbed it's arm and he transfered the location. He then grabbed me.

"Hello? Please bri-" his words were interrupted by Connor removing his bicomponent. I then grabbed his arm and transfered the location.

"What the fuck?" We both turned around to see Gavin standing there with a gun pointed "You're an android too (Y/N)? And Connor, I've been dreaming about this since the moment I saw you."

"Gavin don't do this... we know where the deviants are." 

"You're both off the case. And now, it's gonna be definitive." 

Before I could do anything I feel my arm being grabbed by Connor and taking cover. 

"You stay here." Before I could respond, Connor was already attacking Gaving, about 10 seconds later Gavin was on the floor.

"Come on let's go!" Connor said

(Hope you enjoyed! oh god it's almost 6 am...)

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