Chapter 1

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310... 311... 312... Found it! 313. Hell yeah!

I gave myself a pat on the back and unlocked the door with my free hand. I didn't know what to expect when I walked in the door. Was my roommate already here? Was I walking into a disaster from the prior tenants? Will my roommate be hot? I shook my head at even the thought and just opened the door. "Oh... it's just basic," I pouted slightly and walked in the front door.

From the door, the dorm was standard. To the right of the door, there was a large countertop with a sink in the middle with enough room to put toiletries on either side. I checked all of the drawers, thanking whatever God was above me that they were all empty and clean, as was the area under the sink. The wall where the towel bar was, was actually part of the closet for the right side of the room. It was the same size as the one on the left, though only half of it was usable seeing that part of the closet was being used for the sink wall. Though, upon inspection, the door slid towards the sink so there wasn't a swinging door to worry about. Above the sink, almost touching the ceiling, there was a mirror, which I may or may not have checked myself out and fixed my hair in. To the left of the door, there was another closet, though both of the doors moved.

The desks were pushed flush against the wall that separated the closets from the rest of the room. The underside of the desk was split in half. One side was all drawers and the other had a wooden chair pushed ever so perfectly in the space that was left. There was a small space just right of the desk, or left depending on the side before the half bookshelf started. The bookshelves were a two shelf unit with an open bottom, so you could fit things under the bookshelf, such as a trashcan.

The bookshelf was pushed against the footboard of the bed, which was decently big for the size restraints of the room. The beds were raised off the floor with a small storage area of about six cubbies underneath, just big enough for some small storage boxes. There was a large window that was perfectly center with the edges of the beds and there was a medium sized table directly between them, flush with the edge of the window. For as small as the room was, there was a decent amount of space for my soon-to-be roommate and I to share.

I moved to the bed on the left side of the room and put my backpack on top of the mattress, claiming the side as mine until my roommate arrived so we could work out the living situation. I put the box of personal items that I had grabbed on the desk on the side of the room I had chosen and checked myself out in the mirror one last time before I heard my mom call my name.

"Eijirou, honey? Where did you go?" Hearing her voice actually made me smile. I put my hand on the wall and leaned towards the door, poking my head out into the hallway, "Hey mom! Over here!" I gave her a goofy grin, teeth and all, and slid back into the room. My mom had taken the day off of work to come help me move into my dorm. Originally, I wanted her to stay at home and I would take care of this myself, but she insisted on coming to make sure that I had no troubles, but part of me knew she just wanted to spend as much time with me before the term started.

"Well, isn't this a nice room!" She chirped, pulling my two suitcases into the room behind her.

"Hey! I said I could take care of those," I said, giving her a small confused smile. "You didn't need to do that."

"I know I didn't need to," she said, leaning both of the suitcases against the side of the closet with the sink. She walked right up to me and took my face in her hands. She squeezed it lightly and kissed the tip of my nose, "I wanted to help out my baby boy!"

I felt my cheeks flush slightly on the pink side and I let out a soft whine, "Moooom...!"

"Oh, Eijirou, let me do this while I still can! I won't get to see you until winter break," She cooed, only making me blush harder. I just gave her a small, but weak, smile and put my hands on top of her, "I know, I know..."

Party In My Dorm *KiriBaku*Where stories live. Discover now