Chapter 6

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The drive to the house we were going to partying at that night was about thirty minutes away from the main campus. Bakugou stopped at a gas station and we all piled out of the car. I stayed outside with Bakugou while the other three went inside for drinks, snacks, and probably more alcohol. I didn't want to stay in the car alone so I opted to lean on it, back facing out, on the opposite side from where Bakugou was pumping the gas. I couldn't help but watch him. It's not that what he was doing was entertaining in any way, but it was because he was doing it that was so enjoyable. I got wrapped up in the moment before he pulled me out by snapping in my face.

"Hey! I asked you a question. You gonna answer it or are you fucking stupid?" He sneered, leaning against the gas pump with his arms crossed.

"I-I'm sorry. What was your question?" I asked, a small embarrassed blush coating my cheeks.

"I asked you why you didn't go inside," He restated. He seemed annoyed, but he didn't look as angry as he did earlier.

"Oh, uh. I don't really need anything. I can wait twenty minutes to get a drink," I said, fiddling with my thumbs on the car's hood. It wasn't a lie necessarily. I really didn't need anything from inside because the only thing I was thirsty for was standing just feet from me.

"Okay. Second question then," He said, raising an eyebrow in my direction, "Why are you staring at me."

"I-I..." His question was a lot more of an accusatory statement, but it still caught me off guard. I knew I was almost the same color as my hair at this point but I physically couldn't make out the words to answer his question.

"Well?" He asked. He kicked off the gas pump and leaned against the car, staring into my soul with his almost red eyes. "You gonna stand there and look like an idiot or are you going to talk to me?"

"I-I was just... uh..." I could feel my heart leaping out of my chest, about to break the window of the car I was standing against.

"Bakugou! I got you your favorite!" Uraraka giggled as she made her way to the car. She rounded the car and handed him a can of black cherry Monster.

"Thanks, Round Face," He said, seemingly forgetting of our conversation as he cracked open the can and started taking gulps of the drink.

"Hey Kirishima, this is from Shinso," She piped up, handing me a can of Monster Baller's Blend. I gave her a smile and held the can out like a present.

"I'll tell him thank you later," I said, a smile plastered on my face, "But also you look really cute."

Uraraka blushed profusely. She had on a flared tank top that that cut off just above her belly button, a pair of high waisted short shorts, and a pair of sunglasses on the top of her head. On her feet, she had a pair of white, knee-length socks that slipped into black tennis shoes with small white flowers on them, "Thank you! I spent hours finding the right outfit it seemed. Deku seems to like it..." She blushed again an moved a strand of hair from her face behind her ear, a soft smile and a familiar twinkle in her eyes.

I gave her a knowing smile and cracked open my can and downed almost all of it as the gas pump clicked, signaling the tank was full. Bakugou fixed up the tank and got into his car when he was done. Uraraka and I followed in and waited for the missing members of our group to get into the car.

"How long have you like him?" I asked softly, nudging Uraraka's arm softly. She let out a squeak and flushed a bright red.

"Well you see, it wouldn't work for us," She said simply, tucking some hair behind her ear. "I care for Deku will all my heart and I respect him for everything he stands for, but I also know he has his heart set on another person right now and I have to understand that. No matter how much my heart wants him, I know he doesn't feel the same way." Uraraka looked at me and smiled with her eyes closed. "So for right now, I'm cool with just being his best friend!"

Party In My Dorm *KiriBaku*Where stories live. Discover now