Uncle H.

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Monday Morning.

Leyla: He didn't say his name?

Penny (Leyla's Co-Worker): No, He was in like a super rush but apparently he was paying attention... I was a little flustered and all because you weren't here and I kinda told him that you were suppose to be here and that it made it harder on me. And I don't mean that he knew you, I didn't tell him your name or anything, I just said that you were a co-worker and you were suppose to be here and-

Leyla: Penny.

Penny: Yeah?

Leyla: You're rambling again.

Penny: Sorry... I just didn't want you to think I was telling a complete stranger all your business or anything like that because you're my friend and your privacy is super important to m-

Leyla: Penny!

Penny: Sorry!

Leyla: This is way too much money to just give someone... You said all he bought was a cake? Why would he be carrying around that much cash for just a cake... Why would he pull out that much to pay with?

Penny: I don't know... But I feel like I recognized him from somewhere... Maybe online? I think he's famous... He's gotta be a rich guy... He was around your age actually... Or at least I think he was... Looked like he could be older, it was hard to tell with his beard and all because it was-

Leyla cleared her throat to get Penny's attention.

Leyla: What exactly did he say as he was leaving.

Penny: Oh! Well that goes back to what I was saying about how even though he was in a huge super rush he was definitely paying attention to what I was saying because I told him the police asked you to come with them, and by "you" I mean like "my co-worker" and as he's rushing out with the cake I was telling him he forgot his change and he said these words exactly; "Give it to that girl you said was missing her shift, I'm sure she needs it more than I do."
And I just thought that was so sweet, this guy doesn't even know you and he's giving you money like that... I wish he and I were friends-

Leyla: Penny, no one pays for a cake with 3 hundred dollar bills... Why would he do that.

Penny: Well I did notice he was fumbling with his wallet... I think that was all the cash in his wallet and he just pulled it all out at once.

Leyla: Penny that's a lot of money! Nobody just does that? Unless he really is rich...

Penny: Hey, I mean if you don't want it I'll happily go get myself some new shoes and a pedicure, manicure, and ooo! Also how about a-

Leyla: Rambling.

Penny: Oh sorry... I don't actually want the money I just thought it would be nice... I know you need it Ley! So I'm happy for you!

Leyla: Aw, Thanks girly. Means a lot.
But I want you to help me find this guy... This is too much... I know how helpful it would be to just have an extra 290 bucks... But this guy didn't mean to give me this much, I know he didn't... I'm not on the internet, so I don't have devices for social medias or anything like that... But if you find him let me know... I need to get this back to him... It's the right thing to do.

Later that day after Leyla's shift ended, she headed home to unwind and get a bite to eat all before going at her day again tomorrow.

As she pulled into her apartment complex there was a familiar car that she hadn't seen in maybe 2 months... To some that might not seem long, but to her it seemed like forever.

Leyla: Uncle H.

Leyla's heart jumped with excitement and she ran up the stairs to her apartment, fumbling a little with her keys to open the door.
As she went inside her uncle was in a chair across from her mom who was seated on the couch, they were playing dice, Leyla's Mom was winning.

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