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The weekend rolled on, the time flew by. Leyla's one day of rest and relaxation was gone.
And so the routine continued.
It was now Monday once again, time for her to head to work.
She was sure to be on time.

She got to work and her manager was not there... She was very confused by this because he said that he would be back... Leyla knows he's not a man to lie... At least not to her.

Leyla: He said "I'll see you monday"
So where is he...

Leyla was met with yet another surprise as behind her came a voice she was unfamiliar with but spoke with authority.

???: Hello, Miss Plum, is it?

Leyla: Well that depends, who are you to me?

???: Oh of course, I'm sorry... My name is Katy... I'm your new manager!

Leyla: Wait- Wh-what happened to Greg?

Katy: Well technically I'm just a temp manager... He'll be back in a couple weeks after his vacation is over.

Leyla: Oh... O-okay...

Katy: I'll do my best to make your life as easy as possible while you're working under my authority.

The way this temporary manager spoke to Leyla really annoyed her, she could tell right away that it was not going to be a good couple of weeks if it really was going to take Greg that long to get back.

Leyla: You got it boss.

Katy let out a little half smile out one corner of her lips... Almost like she thought Leyla to be repulsive... Which made no sense... She knew nothing about her? The least she could do was get to know her... But first impressions matter and neither of these... Well... Let's say... Lovely...
Neither of these lovely ladies gave very good first impressions for eachother.

The weeks rolled by and Leyla felt as if Katy treated her like worse garbage than any other being in existence ever had.

Leyla: What could she possibly have against me?

It was already 3 weeks in and Leyla decided that her previous Manager, Greg, must've actually quit and not gone on vacation... It wasn't long before her questions were answered... As there was an announcement from Katy herself saying such things.

Katy: Greg is no longer with our company, he was fired for job abandonment because he never came back after his vacation.
So effective now, I am your Manager.

Leyla's coworker Freddy expressed his emotions very clearly to Katy and left out the door... He had very fond conversations with Greg and made some good memories too... So it did make sense that he would take that news so hard... Especially with how this new manager had started to treat everyone else... It was just Leyla that she treated poorly starting out but as time marched forward she began to treat others the same.

Later that night, Leyla looked at her phone for messages again and she did actually have one... This was abnormal for her and it was usually work... But this time it was a man by the name of Fred Gross.

For a moment it slipped her mind who that was. She never referred to him as Fred except for the short time when they barely knew each other... When they had first exhanged numbers.

Leyla: Oh! Freddy!

As she remembered who this contact was she opened the text message to see what it was about.

Fred: you heard anything from Greg? I know I might be crazy but I think something happened. He hasn't responded to any of my messages since that Friday he last worked and I'm worried he might be drinking again... With the divorce and all... Not sure but I thought you might know something.
2:38 PM

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