What Has Been Dreamt.

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???: It's all about to change, Tom.

Tom: What is?

???: The scenery.

The scenery was currently an ocean floor within an air filled glass dome.

Tom: We were just about to open the safe?

???: Done, this sword was in it.

Tom: Oh, my baguette, thanks Sam.

Sam: Affirmitave sire, put it in the stone.

Tom: I gotchu fam.

Tom turned around and they were in a garden on a mountain... With one rock shaped like a tree stump in front of him.

Tom puts the baguette on the rock and jumps on it.

Tom: On this rock I plan to roll.

Sam: I need you to watch your sister.

Tom: What?

And so the dream is broken

Tom's Mother: Thomas... I have to go run a couple errands.

Tom: Okay mom... I'm up.

Tom's Mother: Don't go back to sleep... I'm serious, watch your sister.

Tom: Okay mom, I heard you.

Tom's Mother leaves the room.
Tom stares at his wall just below his mirror as he lay there on his bed... He thought about his recent dream and couldn't remember much already.

Tom picks up his phone and places his finger on the sensor.
It doesn't read his finger a couple times so his phones tells him to input his password.
He then realized he was using the wrong finger to unlock his phone.
Nonetheless, he punched in the password. From there he went to his text conversations. 3 from the top was Sam. He decided to give Sam a call.
The phone rang for around 30 seconds.
He was then met with a message that he never liked to hear.
"Hey! You've reached Sam! You know what to-".
He hung up the call.

Tom: Are you kidding me man, pick up the phone!

Tom's phone starts ringing, he looks down. It's Sam.
He picks up the phone.

Tom: Yo, hey man.

Sam: What's up bro? You called?

Tom: Yeah... Had a funny dream... You were in it.

Sam: Oh? What was it about?

Tom: Can't really remember much now... But I had a sword and I set it down on a rock and said "upon this rock, I will roll".

Sam: That's kind of funny, where was I in this story?

Tom: Guess you were the sidekick... You did hand me the sword.

Despite the fact that dreams are always strange, Tom felt the need not to mention the fact that the "sword" was actually a baguette... And he wouldn't be able to tell you why he didn't tell his friend Sam even if you asked him.

Sam: Wow... Lame.

Tom: Hey it's not like I chose how yo-

Sam: Yo, bro, sorry to cut you off, my mom just got home from the store, she's gonna be mad if I don't go help her. Gotta go man.

In the muffled sound quality Tom heard partial words of his friend Sam's mother through the phone... He wasn't sure if he was hearing right but the specific words he did hear had meaning to him... He thought he heard the words: "Sam, I got you your baguette."

Tom: Wait what did your mo-

The call ended... Tom sat there confused.
Lately Tom has started to disbelieve in coincidences... And so he wasn't sure if that was even what she said but he was still confused.

Tom: What the heck.

His mother's words popped into his head.
"Brush your teeth and flo-"
Not those words... The other ones.
Oh these...
"Watch your sister while I'm gone".

Tom went down stairs and into his living room, his sister at the TV watching Wubbzy.

Tom: You enjoying your show Lily?

Lily: Tommy!

Tom's 5 year old sister ran up to him and hugged his leg.

Lily: Look Tommy! Look it's plaid!

Tom: Oh is it now? Do you like plaid?

Lily: Yeah! Plaid is cooler than purple.

Tom: You know that you can have purple plaid too?

Lily: WHAT. PURPLE PLAID... I want purple plaid!

Tom was laughing a little on the inside, "there's so much she doesn't know of this world".
He thought to himself.

Tom: So you want a purple plaid shirt?

Lily: NO.

Tom: Wow you were loud about that... Well what do you want?

Lily: A BOW!

Tom: Maybe we can make you one!

And so Tom and Lily's saturday continued, Lily excited for her bow, and Tom no longer thinking of the things that filled his head with buzzing thoughts before.

Soon, on another day... Maybe Tom would find more revelations to grab his attention... For now however...
For now Tom has forgotten.

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