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𝓟𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓸 𝓨𝓸𝓾

Chapter One.

"Congratulations on your wedding, Y/n." You gave your acquaintance a soft smile in response. You happened to encounter her at the market while you were picking up ingredients for dinner later that

Gripping your basket tightly, you listened as she posed another question, her curiosity piqued. "How does a Hashira look like at home? I mean, when he's not fighting demons?"

You chuckled softly, unsure of what Sanemi was like when he's home. "He's been so busy with missions that he rarely gets a chance to be home," you explained vaguely. She frowned slightly, disappointed. "So, you haven't even slept together since?" she asked with a hint of sympathy. You nodded quietly, feeling a pang of loneliness even in her brief presence.

"It must be tough," she commented sympathetically. "Well, see you around then," she waved goodbye as you parted ways, leaving you with a mix of emotions swirling inside.

It had only been a week since you and Sanemi exchanged vows, and already his duties as one of the most reliable demon slayers, he always went missions after missions, kept him away from home more often than not. Even after the wedding ceremony, he had barely been home before being called away to yet another village plagued by man-eating demons.

Today was different though. A kasugai crow had brought news that he would finally return. When you arrived home, you went straight to cook.Determined to welcome him properly, you busied yourself in the kitchen, preparing a meal that exuded comfort and warmth—a taste of home you hoped would soothe his soul.

By the time the aroma of your dishes wafted through the house, you had meticulously crafted a spread fit for a hero returned from battle. Stirring the soup gently, you sampled it, finding the flavors satisfyingly familiar. You grab a bowl and pour a fine amount of soup—Placing a bowl at the center of the table, you awaited his arrival with a mix of anticipation.

"Tadaima," the door slid open, and there he was—Sanemi, your husband. "Okairi," you greeted him warmly, moving to
greet him with a smile. His response, however, was a cold gaze before he turned and headed straight to his room.

"I just made dinner, let's eat it together," you called after him, hoping for a moment of shared intimacy. "Eat it alone, I just ate before I came here,"he snapped, his irritation is visible on his scarred face.

Your heart sank, his dismissive tone cutting deeper than you expected. "But…" you began, but he cut you off with another sharp glance. "I said, I'm full," he stated firmly, leaving you to quietly retreat back to the table, overwhelmed by his abrupt rejection.

Sitting before the feast you had lovingly prepared, you sighed heavily, feeling the weight of loneliness settle in. "How am I supposed to finish all of this alone?" you whispered to yourself, the reality of your isolation sinking in. With a resigned sigh, you settled down on the floor beside the table, picking at the food, your appetite diminished by the ache in your heart.

As you nibbled on the food, your thoughts drifted to the man you married—a hero to many, but increasingly a stranger to you in his absence. The clatter of dishes echoed softly in the empty room, a stark contrast to the warmth and laughter you had hoped to share.

After dinner, as you quietly washed the dishes, your mind drifted to troubling thoughts that you couldn't shake. Despite marrying someone you admired for so long, you soul felt restless. You pushed aside those unsettling feelings, attributing them to fatigue from his recent absence.

Suddenly, pounding sounds echoed as his heavy  footsteps approached. You hastily rinsed the bubbles from your hands and dried them on your kimono as Sanemi stormed in, holding an empty pot meant for burning wisteria flowers.

"Hey, didn't I tell you to burn wisteria flowers tonight?" His words came out sharp and accusatory.

"Uh... yeah," You mumbled, feeling guilty under his piercing gaze.

"Then why the fuck is it empty? It's already dark outside!" His voice grew louder. "Don't tell me you didn't burned any while I was away?"

You stood in silence, unable to recall his instructions amidst the daily chores.

"Are you that dumb or something?" His anger intensified, making you flinch involuntarily.

A soft whimper escaped to your mouth as you struggled to respond. Sensing your distress, Sanemi sighed heavily and softened his tone.

"Come here, I'll show you how to do it," he said more gently.

You watched as he filled the pot with generous amount of wisteria flowers and lit a match. The fragrant smoke filled the air as the flowers caught fire.

"You have to burn them every night, especially when I'm away. It'll keep you safe. I may have not married you by choice. But apart for my duty is to keep you safe since you're my responsibility now." he explained solemnly, his eyes fixed on the burning flowers.

His words struck a chord deep within you. Yes, your marriage had been a practical arrangement, and you had hoped that over time, he might come to care for you. But now, that hope felt distant and uncertain.

You recalled how much you admired him, and how your parents had offered him a  sum of fortune to look after you. Your grandparents had taken him in when he and Genya were orphaned and nowhere to go. They had supported them as they embarked on their demon-slaying journey. Sanemi and Genya owed them their lives, and that debt weighed heavily on their conscience. Ever since, they couldn't say no to any requests your family wants.

Despite the circumstances of your marriage, you couldn't deny the growing admiration and respect you held for Sanemi. His dedication to his duty and the way he fiercely protected those he cared about resonated deeply with you. Yet, beneath his tough exterior, you sensed a vulnerability inside him.

As the wisteria flowers continued to burn, casting flickering shadows across his face, you wondered if there would ever be more between the two of you than just duty and obligation.

Pathetically Into you  : ̗̀➛S. SanemiWhere stories live. Discover now