Chapter 3 Revelations

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The next morning came as sure as the sun rose in the east. Miraculously, Zelda found herself awaking from a pleasant night's rest, despite the harrowing events that unfolded during the night. Link, the good knight that he was, was focused, wide awake and never left her bedside after the failed intruder made the attempt on her life. Finding comfort in the peaceful serenity under his careful watch that night, she managed to close her eyes and fall asleep again.

As the morning sun lit up her eyelids, she awoke full of dreams, forgetting for just a moment the stark reality of what happened just hours prior. Fresh on her mind was all the fond memories she had with Link from a century ago. But, she couldn't help but wonder to herself, was he truly the same knight of her memory? Did he indeed recall all the tender moments they shared together? Was he truly her link? She feared that maybe not all that has transpired from the distant past between them, was remembered by him. And that perhaps, a piece of him may have been lost for good, to the sands of time forever. Her heart ached at the thought of it. She needed to know, but how?

"You're awake..." Link said to Zelda rising up out of his chair.

"You waited there the whole night?...Did you get any rest at all?"she asked as she sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes.

"I'm alright...besides, I needed some time to clear my head and think," he said.

"About what?" she asked, with her senses one by one starting to come back to her as she slid out of bed.

Link continued on pacing in the room, looking away from her respectfully as she dressed behind her partition. "I'm not sure how it can be possible for the Yiga to still be lurking about in the shadows. I defeated their master and burned their hideout to the ground. I left none..." he said with his words quickly fading into silence.

"None what?" she interrupted moving herself out from the cover her curtain.

"Alive..." Link said back with an uneasy look stretched across his face. His brows were bent and his eyes were troubled, locked in thought. " I don't want you to worry... and besides, we still have much to celebrate, Ganon is gone and you are safe once again. We will take it one step at a time...The people will need their Princess now more than ever," he said trying to deflect.

"And what is it that you need? hmmm?" She said as she poked her head out from behind her dressing curtain. Zelda felt her stomach pit with uneasiness at the sight of Link's demeanor and had a suspicion that there was more to his worry.

"I am a knight, I already have all that I need...C'mon, let's go show these people a princess," he said as he shook his head free of the worry from before. He then lifted up his chin to throw a quick smile at Zelda, trying to reassure her all is well.


Zelda and Link, having already made their way to the main pavilion, were about to address the people of Hateno. There she was to give a speech to the people on the makeshift wooden platform they had readied for her. Most of townsfolk were already gathered in the main market square, awaiting anxiously nearby.

"Stop your shouting and shoving! All will be able to see and make hands with the princess soon enough," called out a raspy voiced, older Hylian man, who had scrawny long arms and two helpings of neck. He was just below the platform and could be heard shouting down the over eager crowd that was trying to trample over him . The people were trying to get a better view and ear of the princess. He was the last line of defense between the two mysterious travelers and the over eager crowd.

The towns-people have never witnessed a princess with their own eyes in their lifetimes after all. So it was natural of them not to know what to expect and if she would be able to live up to any of their expectations. A grumpy old fellow the pursuivant was, and was attempting to manage the people as their self appointed organizer. Poorly at that.

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