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Gigi didn't go to school for two days. I was worried sick.

What if she's dead?
Ok that's en exaggeration.

I shook my head and walked down the corridor. I abruptly stopped when I saw Gigi walking towards me.

She looked terrible.

Her face was pale with huge bags under her eyes and her tangled hair hidden under the oversized hoodie. I ran towards her and hugged her.

"Come on, let's skip class." I whispered while I pulled her out of the crowd.

"Look at her she's so pathetic. No wonder Austin chose me over that." I heard someone say.

I stopped and turned around. Mikaela was standing by the lockers snickering alongside her friends. I noticed that her nose was a bit bruised.

Wow, Gigi can punch.

"Hold on a second." I whispered to Gigi as I stomped my was to Mikaela.

"Well well well if it isn't the-" she was gladly interrupted by my fist colliding with her nose. The impact was so hard that she fell backwards hitting the back of her head with the lockers behind her, causing her to fall. Her followers came and rescued her whilst I calmly walked towards Gigi and continued our way out.

Ten minutes passed and Gigi still didn't spoke a word. I nervously glanced down at her whilst she looked at her hands.

"You know" I began "it's his loss. He doesn't realise what he's missing. I mean, funny girl with bright red hair? That's new!" I teased, causing her to sadly smile as tears ran down her freckled cheeks.

I tried to land some jokes but failed miserably. I mean, what could I do to make her smile and feel better?

Oh shit I got it!

"Ok." I stood up and pulled my phone, looking for the perfect song "Don't laugh, but, whenever I get sad or feel down, I play this."

I press play.

You so fuckin' precious when you smile
Hit it from the back and drive you wild
Girl, I lose myself up in those eyes
I just had to let you know you're mine

I lip sync whilst using my phone as a microphone, dramatically moving my body for her to laugh. I look up and see her looking at me, her lips tugged up.

"Is that a smile I see?" I teased, causing her to chuckle.

Hands on your body, I don't wanna waste no time
Feels like forever even if forever's tonight
Just lay with me, waste this night away with me
You're mine, I can't look away, I just gotta say

I jump around as the chorus comes along, this time screaming at the top of my lungs. I seductively look at her whilst shaking my hips in a miserable manner, whilst winking her. As soon as I look up to her, I notice that her smile is gone and she gestures me to stop. I squint my eyes with confusion but I shrug as I jump around screaming the song. I turn around and...


I quickly recover and fumble my phone to stop the music. Placing it back into my pocket, I raise my head and look up at the 6ft3 figure.

"Wow" His voice filled with amusement he shook his head "speechless."

"Well I was trying to cheer up a friend" I sighed, throwing my phone to Gigi who catches it. I noticed that Daniel was still here.

"What!" I frantically asked as he chuckled.

"I need your help. I noticed that you're good at Spanish and um," he stepped closer. "I need your help for the test on Monday." I raised my eyebrows with amusement.

"So I was thinking, you free now? We can go to my house and" he gave me the smoulder "study" he bit his lip.

Gosh he is sexy.

What wait no! Astrid you hate this sexy Greek god...

I shook my head and looked up at him.

"Wow" I elongated the word "that was impressive!" My voice spitting sarcasm.

"Thank you!" He acknowledged. "So?"

I sighed "listen Donald-"

"Daniel" he corrected.

"Daniel" I whispered "well that pretty much summed up my answer." I folded my arms and pressed my lips together.

His brows furrowed with confusion.

"I sadly find you so uninteresting, that I don't even know your name!" I chuckled humourlessly

"Well, you can call me whatever you want." He whispered seductively.

"Then in that case, I'm going to call you" I placed my finger on my chin and looked at Gigi "asshole!" I sweetly smiled at him.

He chuckled whilst biting his lower lip. I wish I could bite that sexy plump...


"So, are you coming?" I chuckled.

"Do I have to make myself any clearer?" He raised his eyebrows "how about NO!"

"And why's that?" He asked.

"Because, I find you completely repulsive. You're an entitled, spoiled, rich boy who uses a man's privilege as an excuse for cruelty." I spat.

"Wow" He chuckled "that is so mean. And judgemental." He fixed his beanie.

"The thing is", he stepped closer, whilst I stepped back, keeping our distance "that you don't even know me!" He whispered.

I raised my head slightly.


I'm a tall bitch.

"Oh I know enough." I whispered back.

He took one step closer to me, our faces only inches away.

"Do you really?"

I opened my mouth but the bell rang. Daniel stood up straight and looked down on me.

"I will get that study date." He smirked, turning around leaving me speechless.

I cleared my throat and turned around. I forced a tight smile to Gigi, as she witnessed everything.

"What was that?" She asked.

"What was?"

"You know his name was Daniel, why'd you call him Donald?" She chuckled.

"Oh I saw it in Skam, a European show." I simply shrugged my shoulders "it's a technique to defeat your enemies."

She laughed and hugged me.

"Thank you." She whispered.

I smiled down at her. "You know I will do anything to make you smile."

"Even if it's humiliate yourself in front of a hot guy?"

"Even if it's to humiliate myself in front of a guy." I laughed.

We both went to our classes.

Throughout the whole day, I couldn't stop thinking about what Daniel said. Yeah I may not know him that well. But after what he does to girls, I definitely don't want to.

But still, there's something about him that sparks within me.

What is it?

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