Gigi wouldn't stop talking about the date. She went on and on until I memorised the little details."Yes, he tucked your hair behind your ear at the arcade we get it!" Lori complained mirroring my thoughts. Gigi's cheeks matches her hair colour and looked down with embarrassment.
"I know you like him, but honey, it's getting very annoying." Stephanie commented, causing us all to laugh.
"I know I know" Gigi hushed "it's like, I've never felt this way before you know? Yeah Austin was ok, until he began to pressure me for sex and then proceeded to cheat on me. But with Mason, gosh..."
"Someone's in love!" I sang as I gave her a twirl.
"Ok ok enough." Gigi looked at me "how's Daniel by the way?"
That motherfucker.
"There's nothing going on between us." I crossed my arms.
"Oh really?" Chelsea smirked.
"No nothing. I don't want to be in the same room that he's in. He's a narcissist, selfish spoiled boy and he insults girls after they fucked them. The list goes on."
Lori, Gigi, Stephanie and Chelsea looked at each other with smug looks.
"What?" I complained.
"Oh nothing nothing." They all said.
"Come on" Gigi pulled me by the wrist "we're late for Spanish."
It was reading class.
The teacher gave us books and randomly called people for them to read an extract.
I had a strong feeling I was going to be called.
It was the end of the lesson and I still haven't read. Let's just hope it stays that way.
"¡Muy bien Geneva! Has mejorado bastante."
("Well done Geneva! You've improved a lot.")The teacher scanned the room until her eyes laid upon me.
"Astrid, lee las últimas páginas del capítulo."
("Astrid, read the last pages of the chapter.")I looked a Gigi with panic and she took action of the situation.
"Uhh ma'am, Astrid doesn't feel well, can I continue?" She only received a stern look, causing her to recoil.
"What's the matter Astrid? Cat got your tongue?" Someone called out, causing snickers to arise. I turned around and looked at the person who said it.
I glared at him and turned around, looked for the page. Before I began, I looked back at Daniel, who was casually leaning against his chair wearing his signature beanie and then at Gigi, who was giving me the thumbs up.
I cleared my throat and began to read.
"Mucha gente se esconde entre las sombras para no ser visto. No quieren ser vistos ya que han sufrido. Pero tampoco quieren hacer sufrir a la gente. Debo de admitir que yo he vivido en las sombras. Me golpearon, me abusaron, me maltrataron. Cada día, cada hora de cada minuto de cada segundo. Metieron las cuatro palabras que más odio: yo no soy fuerte. Y lo pero de todo, es que lo creía.
Estaba tan rota que yo pensaba que no era fuerte. No era suficientemente fuerte para huir, para arreglarme. No era suficientemente fuerte para decir basta.
Pero tuve una Epifanía. Descubrí que no necesitaba a nadie para poder librarme de las sombras. Que yo podía hacerlo sola. Aunque me tiren, me peguen e incluso que me violen, conseguí aparecer de las sombras. Y renací.
Porque yo soy fuerte."
The bell rang and the class still remained intact. People looked at me with their jaws hanging, others whispered and some gave me glares. I looked at the teacher with a pleading look.
"Alright people! Move!" She clapped her hands and the class began to function again.
"That was so badass!" She exclaimed.
"I don't want to talk about it." I mumbled.
"I mean seriously! You made Daniel shut up and the teacher was smiling for once in her life-"
"I said I don't want to talk about it!" I shouted causing Gigi to recoil.
"I-I'm sorry." I whispered and left the classroom.
Tears filled my eyes as I walked down the hall. As I made a turn, I stopped.
The last person that I wanted to see.
Of all people it had to be him.
"Donald." I whispered.
The Greek God
Teen Fiction"Listen Astrid María Johnson, if you really want to get rid of me so bad, go out on a date with me. Just one. And if you didn't like it, then you will never have to see my face again. But, this whole 'playing hard to get' is getting old." He smirked...