What we take for granted - Chapter 2

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Maybe it was never her best idea, but she managed to defeat most of the wild Pokemon in order to get Kibbles some experience in battling. He had even learnt Mud Slap on the way, which certainly helped with it's ability to effect the opponent's accuracy in battle. However, what Kat was truly after was a Pokemon with a disability. She would keep that promise to herself, so when she saw the bouncy Buneary in the distance - she immediately scanned it with her dex.

Name: Buneary
Registered nickname: This Pokemon doesn't have a nickname.
Age: 1
Gender: Female
Ability: Klutz
Moves: Fake Out, Frustration, Baby-Doll Eyes.
Extra notes: This Pokemon seems to be deaf, approach with cautious.

A deaf Pokemon, that would be prefect for her team.....But how would she train her? Deciding to figure that out later, she approached the Buneary - the little one was sniffing some nearby flowers on the end of a pond. Knowing she couldn't use a verbal ask, she cautiously sat down next to the young rabbit-like Pokemon. Then the young Pokemon's ruby eyes gazed up at her, interest evident in those eyes as a scrambled mess left the Pokemon's throat. "B-bun? (Hwi?)," it wasn't that the Pokemon had a stutter or was shy, but rather her deafness was effecting her ability to learn to speak in the first place.

Gently, deciding for the non-vocal route as a whole, Kat placed her hand on the Buneary's head between her two eyes - which twitched in response. There was no fear, just curiosity. Pure and simple curiosity. However, it was getting them nowhere soon with the Pokemon's inability to hear her voice.

Pulling a friendship ball from out of her bag, she showed it to Buneary in hopes that the normal type would understand what she was implying and take the offer. As for why the friendship ball, she knew that Buneary evolved when it became really close to their trainers so the ball that improved friendship gain sounded like a good idea. As the young Pokemon stared at the friendship ball, she seemed to have no reaction like she didn't understand what she was meant to do. This made Kat wonder, maybe this Buneary could read.

So she got out a piece of paper and wrote what she wanted to say. "My name is Kat, would you like to become my Pokemon," it was only a short wish that maybe this Buneary could read, it would certainly make her life easier. Showing the paper, she could see interest in those ruby orbs as they seemed to scan the words for the meaning. Maybe this Buneary could indeed read? That was quite amazing actually.

After this, the young Pokemon made a loud cry of "B-Bunwunry! (Swure!)," before tripping over when she tried to tap the poke ball to become officially Kat's. The clumsiness made Kat and Dawn laugh slightly, the Espeon smiling at the young Pokemon with respect and care for the youth that was soon to become her friend. After a moment, Buneary pulled herself up and managed to grasp hold of the friendship ball and was absorbed into it. One.....two......three clicks later and the ball sparkled to show a successful capture.

This brought a happy smile to Kat's face, she had another member to her team. One that definitely would be hard to train, but she was thankful for the Buneary's ability to read words. It would certainly improve the efficiency of training the deaf Pokemon. Recalling the Pokemon from the poke ball, she smiled down at the Buneary. Said normal type cheered loudly, bouncy around and making it hard for anyone to keep an eye on her.

But, in general. Regardless of Buneary's ability to read, how would she be able to communicate this in battle. That had to be a way. Thinking about it, she knew about how humans had hearing aids. Maybe she could do something with that, but make it for a Pokemon. She didn't have a clue if they would even work for a Pokemon. "Alright, Dawn. We need to get moving," she picked up Buneary into her arms, she didn't need the deaf Pokemon getting separated as it would be hard to get her attention.

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