Ripped - Chapter 4

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Honestly, as she stepped to the trade machine, Kat had no clue what she was getting sent to her from all the way from Unova. All she knew was that the Pokemon was disabled and its trainer didn't want it anymore, so her mom asked her to take it in so that it wouldn't be killed in the wild where it would have a low survival chance in its new condition. Unlike Buttons, this new Pokemon's condition wasn't something genetic - but rather inflicted onto the Pokemon that was incurable.

After a few seconds of nervous anticipation, the poke ball came through - it was a pink and white poke ball with a massive heart on the pink section. A love ball, this Pokemon must have been loved before the accident. To think, the trainer was willing to betray and leave this poor Pokemon just because it couldn't battle as well anymore. It disgusted her, as she picked up the love ball and released the Pokemon within. After a near blinding pink light, the Pokemon was revealed to be an Emolga with shiny blue eyes.

Now, the problem was evident the second the Emolga shuffled a little as it looked around its surroundings with terror and worry evident in those sapphire orbs. A few rips straight through one of the wing-like flaps below its arms, those rips were harsh and evidently from a Pokemon's claw-like attack to the wings that ripped straight through without mercy. It would definitely effect this Pokemon's capable to glide around.

Soon enough, the electric flying squirrel looked up at Katherine. However, Kat expected it to back away, instead the Sky Squirrel held a firm stance and was clearly trying to hide its fear and anticipate anymore attacks. Poor thing. Kat knelt down and reached over to pet the electric type between its ears, in an attempt to calm it down. Surprisingly, it did the job and after a short breathe - the young Pokemon seemed more relaxed and looked up at Kat with fear and worry in those eyes. "Emolga emol...(Where is everyone...)," it didn't take a genius to know that this poor thing was missing its friends and trainer, confused and alone.

"Sweetie, do you know what happened to you," Kat asked, wondering for a moment if she'd be able to even translate the Emolga's speech patterns. But she did know that she needed to earn this Pokemon's trust to be able to train her for future battles, since that training would be hard without any trust or bond between the two. As she continued to pet the Pokemon's head, she heard a pained cry for the poor thing - who grabbed onto Kat's leg and wailed in a mess of confusion, upset and pain. It was evident that the wing injury was recent, the cuts were still red and a bit bloody as if they hadn't been treated properly. That was a priority.

"Miss Katherine," Nurse Joy ran over to the pair, seeing the crying Emolga that was holding onto the autistic girl's leg. "I heard that cry and was worried, mind if I see your Emolga to heal its wounds if it has any," there was so much concern in the nurse's eyes as she looked over the electric/flying type's condition and noticing the mangled wing - despair filled the nurse's eyes, Katherine noted, as if she knew in that moment that there was no curing this. "Poor thing, where did you get it..."

Knowing to be honest at all times, Kat simply replied with the upmost truth. "Guess you could call it a trade, but rather my mom sent me this Emolga that her friend abandoned for the injury to its wing. Mom sent me it since she knows my affinity with disabled Pokemon," at that cue, she released the other Pokemon on her. For a moment, Emolga's puffy and red eyes glanced in the direction of the three disabled Pokemon and took them in. The dimmed gem on the Espeon, the ripped tail fin and overly small head fin of the Mudkip and the ear-piece attached to the Buneary. All of them were like it....ruined, yet this trainer seemed to have never abandoned them. Could it be like them, not abandoned again?

"Well, I'll do what I can to prevent the bleeding - can't risk it losing too much blood," at this, the nurse took Emolga's love ball from Kat and returned the poor dear to the Pokemon. "I won't be too long, all I'm gonna do is cauterize the wounds," it was sad that the wounds couldn't be healed, that was nothing you could do to ever improve the Emolga's capability to fly ever again. Even the healing machines couldn't work miracles.

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