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"Ee-vee-vee! (Let me at it!)" a young and slightly feminine cry was heard through the large and beautiful modern home, originating from the backyard where a young, 7-maybe year old girl were playing with her beloved pet Eevee. Around the pet's neck was a black collar with a shiny silver stone that had been crafted from a moon stone. The little pet was chasing, with ears perked and shiny mint green eyes sharp, after a toy Pidgey that was attached to a light string, that the young girl was controlling. "Vee! (Get here!)" the little Pokemon grasped thef toy in her mouth, trying to keep it still. She was like a Persian, hunting down her prey.

Smiling, the young girl moved the toy again out of the Pokemon's loose grasp and pulled it up onto her lap. This attracted the young brown Pokemon onto the girl's lap, where she gave a small purr of 'ee~' and curled up in a comfortable manner. The young girl smiled, looking down at the comfortable Pokemon. "That's a good girl," she gently petted around the Pokemon's ears only to elicit more purrs from the sweet and almost playful creature in her lap. She adored her pet so much, there was nothing else to say about it.

"Vee-vee (Thanks)," the little Pokemon expressed her gratitude in her own little voice, even though her trainer wasn't capable of understanding her thoughts. As she looked up, her mint eyes gleamed brightly to match her shining smile. "Eevee......vee-vee (I love you so much, Katherine)," after saying this, the young Pokemon got up as if reacting to something. This surprised the young girl for a moment, as she looked down at the Eevee.

"Dawn?" with a gently whisper, Katherine mentioned her pet's nickname in a delicate and confused manner. What was up with the normal type. But she knew what was happening instantly when Dawn began to glow in a wispy manner, the bright light overtaking the blonde haired girl's purple eyes for a few minutes.

As the glow progressed, Dawn's bushy tail thinned down to a elongated and small diameter tail that shortly spilt into 2 parts about halfway through the tail. Her ears were next to change, they lost length and gained volume instead. Two little bushy limb-like formations pushed out of the head below the ears on either side. In general, Dawn's small body enlarged and her legs thinned into delicate limbs. Moments later, a bright pale ruby flash could be seen in the center of the Pokemon's forehead

After the light faded, Katherine looked down at Dawn - who was startled herself - and took a few moments of silence before she whispered out. "Dawn?" this caused the purple colored cat-like creature to look up, her gleaming green eyes full of surprise....but interest over her new form, the typical curiosity of a cat-like Pokemon steeping in. Then caused the young child to relax, her Pokemon had evolved. "You're an Espeon now," she walked over and opened her arms for the psychic type to snuggle against her. "Congratulations."

"Espy....(Evolve....)," the Pokemon made a slight sound, almost a purr, before freezing a little at the new sound of her matured and elegant voice. But she soon relaxed and snuggled against her beloved owner. "Espeon-espy......eon espeon (Thank you.....it's my love that evolved me)," even thought she knew that Katherine wasn't able to hear her voice, she still wished to say it out loud in a briefest of hopes that her new psychic powers might hold through.

However nothing went through and in fact, the newly evolved Pokemon felt psychologically drained - something that shouldn't be the case at all. She had heard many many stories from psychics that she had met, since Katherine's parents were skilled trainers. Stories that stated that when a psychic Pokemon evolved, their psychic powers are at the strongest and your supposed to feel really strong and such. But....she was the exact opposite, she felt like she wanted to fall into a deep slumber for years.

At that moment, Katherine's father came out and took one look at the Espeon before smiling gently. "Good work, Katherine. Your Eevee evolved into an Espeon," walking over, he brushed over the back of the newly evolved psychic type. "Lets see..." he muttered, he was skilled with psychic types and knew how to determine their psychic potential. First, he took a strong look at the beautiful gem embedded into Dawn's forehead. "Dim....." he muttered, clearly unimpressed with that. "Alright, Dawn," he knew to address the Pokemon by her nickname, since she had never responded to her species' name in the past. "I need you to attempt to communicate telepathically."

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