Chapter 3: War

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The weeks end finished rather quickly thanks to all the extra training that Neila gave me and Seno began teaching me all the Guardians special abilities. What surprised me though, was the Mind Speech. We were supposed to learn it on the job no matter what job we took on once our schooling was finished, but they were teaching me now.

Anyway, I was sitting in my tactics class now, doodling in my notebook while everyone else finished their work. Instead of my normal clothing I was wearing the schools uniform today; a black jacket with red lettering and a knee length black skirt with red detailing. My shoes were, naturally, black boots and my hair was covering my right eye which gave me a new look for the most part. Everyone else seemed to ignore me since the incident in the common room, that is, until now.

"Aly right? Can you help us with this tactic?" A slender girl with raven hair asked. Her eyes were a slight crimson and I could tell she was a mutt.

I decided to get help and take a look at the groups map, surprised they wanted my help until I saw the mess. It was a battle field and every strategy these four chose led them to death so I replaced every piece to original position and showed them to use the pawns and to send the special forces around to the back, once the special pawns handled the back of the forces the main army would begin helping by killing the front soldiers who would be distracted with either the special forces or pawns. After they examined it, quite thoroughly might I add, they grinned and let me into their little group.

The girl, as it turned out, was named Tera while what I found to be her twin brother, was named Axel. They both were extremely hard to tell apart, but their friend, he was a Kyota. The school tee shirt he wore had holes in the back for his wings and if you looked you could see he was muscular though his baggy shirt and pants hid that. His hair was a sort of strawberry blonde and his eyes a silver that made me curious. Either way, his name was Zeke and as it turned out, he was trying to catch the attention of the Guardians.

As the professor came over, the door slammed open. What met my sight were just a pair of silver eyes. For a moment I couldn't tell who it was, until the owner pulled their hood down. It was the Blood Captain and he was staring right at me as he strode into the room. I could practically feel Zeke tense up and barely heard his growl as an arm reached out from beneath the cloak and a marked hand rested on my shoulder.

"Alysian, it's time to go get you some armor. You're a recruit now, so you don't have to wear this silly get up anymore." He said, smiling at me as if speaking to a favorite child. For a short moment I smiled back, no thoughts at all as I felt his mind reach out to mine to make a connection.

"She gets to be a Guardian?! What about me, brother?! She's a murderous dog with no control!" Zeke yelled, catching everyone's attention. Shortly, he tried to punch me, only for his fist to be caught.

Slowly my fist began to crush his as a growl escaped my throat. "I am not a murderous dog unless you push me to it. Speak those words again and find out why the Shenkota were the highest of the Ancient Bloods." I said murderously catching everyone off guard as the Blood Captain began laughing. Before I could react, a collar snapped around my throat.

"Alysian, calm, you're a Guardian. Ignore my half brother, you're better than he is and if you ask me, you should have your dorm with the other Guardian recruits here." Jaiden said as the others stared in belief. Zeke, who surprisingly turned out to be the weaker brother, was curled up in the same spot, holding his broken fist.

I nodded and stepped away from him to follow my Captain as some people began to whisper. On instinct I blocked it out, focusing on my lesson about armor maintenance from Jaiden until we got to the guild. I was surprised by how fast I got two sets of armor and was escorted back on campus to a brand new dorm only to find my things moved to a room there.

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